
#2 Turkish Lira should be abbreviated TL

Mihai Chira

The Turkish lira was changed to an abbreviation of 'TL' in 2009 (, but in FXComps it is still YTL (


  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-29


    Thanks for reporting this issue. According to this site (

    the current currency of Turkey is (ISO CODE): TRY
    sign or symbol: (U+20BA)

    The currency symbol was TL until 1 March 2012.

    If I understand it well I must set the currency symbol to U+20BA.

    I will change the following line

    symbols[TRY] = "YTL";

    to this

    symbols[TRY] = "\u20ba";

    Do you agree with me?



  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-29
  • Mihai Chira

    Mihai Chira - 2014-04-29

    I opened this ticket because one of our (Turkish) users reported it in our application. Also on wikipedia it says "In the transition period between January 2005 and December 2008, the second Turkish lira was officially called Yeni Türk Lirası (New Turkish lira).[5] It was officially abbreviated "YTL" and subdivided into 100 new kuruş (yeni kuruş). Starting in January 2009, the "new" marking was removed from the second Turkish lira, its official name becoming just "Turkish lira" again, abbreviated "TL"."

    So from that info it seems you only need to remove the Y from symbols[TRY] = "YTL", making it symbols[TRY] = "TL";

    I wonder where we could ask to make sure.

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-29

    So they use TL instead of U+20BA as a symbol. Can you contact your Turkish users to confirm it?

    If they use TL I change the code:

    symbols[TRY] = "TL";

    Confirm it and tomorrow I post a new version of FXCompsLib.

    Or I change the symbol to TL. I can fix it later if we are wrong. :)

    Tomorrow I post a new version. Contact me if I forget it.

    Thank you for your help,


  • Mihai Chira

    Mihai Chira - 2014-04-29

    Yep, just checked the original feedback ticket, and the Turkish user works for a Turkish advertising agency and clearly specified the currency code is now "TL" instead of "YTL".
    Thank you as well for being responsive.

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-30

    Turkish currency symbol has been changed.

    Old value: YTL
    New value: TL

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-30

    Fixed. Closed.

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-04-30
    • status: open --> closed
  • Mihai Chira

    Mihai Chira - 2014-05-07

    Laszlo, I've just downloaded v2.1.1 and, if I'm not mistaking, it seems that you reverted the changes at, and perhaps others? Was this intentional?

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-05-07

    No. I will fix it asap.

    Thanks for reporting this.


  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-05-07

    I checked the files. I didn't reverted anything. I think I published the latest version.

    I packed the project files again and I posted them to

    Maybe I'm wrong. In this case contact me again.

    Many thanks again for your feedbacks,


  • Mihai Chira

    Mihai Chira - 2014-05-07

    You're right, there are no reverted changes, I'm sorry. Although there are other changes from v2.1.0 which cause compilation errors with Flex SDK v4.11:
    - \src\com\fxcomps\collection\ now has "protected var sort_:Sort = null;" but had "protected var sort_:ISort = null;" in 2.1.0. The compilation error is "Interface method get sort in namespace mx.collections:ICollectionView is implemented with an incompatible signature in class com.fxcomps.collection:ReportArrayCollection. line 30"
    - \src\com\fxcomps\window\TableReportViewerBox.mxml now has "var sort:Sort = (table.dataProvider as ReportArrayCollection).sort;" but had "var sort:ISort = (table.dataProvider as ReportArrayCollection).sort;" in 2.1.0

    Also, now eclipse is throwing many dialogues which say:
    "Error validating server certificate for
    - Unknown certificate issuer
    Fingerprint: 5C:13:64:E6:C7:17:85:46:75:C7:77:A8:BF:4B:A8:5D:58:F3:B4:CB
    Distinguished name: (null), (null), (null), (null), (null) ((null))
    - Hostname mismatch ("

  • Laszlo Sas

    Laszlo Sas - 2014-05-07

    I forgot to remove the .svn folder from the zip file. ( is my private server. Forget it.

    Download the zip file again.

    And forgive me. :( The published library is for Flex 3.6. Currently I cannot maintain another branch for 4.11. (I have no time. :()


  • Mihai Chira

    Mihai Chira - 2014-05-07

    No worries, and thanks again for the fast response.
    (Just downloaded from, and there's no change. You might have omitted to upload, or sourceforge maybe is taking its time. But no rush.)
    If you publish the source code, I'm happy to contribute patch files for the 4.11 SDK.


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