
FWReport: Firewall Reporter for IPTables / News: Recent posts

FWReport 1.1.8 Released

FWReport 1.1.8 is released fixing one installation bug and a date mismatch issue with the actual tool.

Posted by Chris Travers 2004-06-29

FWReport 1.1.6 released

FWReport 1.1.6 is the latest stable release. It fixes all known bugs but adds no new features. Currently development focus is shifting toward a companion tool (to be included in later releases) for doing more customized filtering of logs.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-08-25

FWReport 1.1.5 is here

FWReport 1.1.5 has been released. It contains several bugfixes and is the latest and greatest. Enjoy :)

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-07-04

Belated Welcome to Jose Queiroz

Jose has contributed many patches to FWReport many of which are still being integrated. I am pleased to welcome him to the development team.

Welcome Jose!

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-03-07

FWReport 1.1.3 Has been released

Tar.gz is available. uncompressed tars have been abandoned.

Hopefully RPMs and Deb's coming soon.

This is the first release to support ICMP tracking, though ICMP codes are not supported until 1.2.x

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-03-01

FWReport 1.1.2 Released

A Tar of 1.1.2 has been released. It includes a localization engine accessible by the -l switch.

RPM and hopefully Deb packages coming soon

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-25

New Document: FWReport and SSH

Check out the new paper on using FWReport to get information out of log files on remote servers using SSH:

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-25

Call for localization patches

Some international users are reporting that they are running into issues where the `date +%b` command generates a different abreviation than the one that Syslog uses in its log files. A patch for Portugese users has already been added to the main source and is available by CVS. For all other users, please submit patches using the patch tracker, or at least send me a list of the possible month abreviations for your locale. These can be posted as replies to this message or in messages on the patch tracker.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-22

New Roadmap

Portugese localization support has been added due to the discrepancy between how `date` and `syslogd` handle dates when localized. This has been added to CVS.


Beta/Experimental Portugese Month to English Month Abreviation conversion.

Timeline: Next week


User defined tracking and reporting object hierarchy
Also ability to track by:
Source or Destination IP (with hostnames)
Source Mac
Interface in or out
Protocol and Port/Service tracking (Source and destination) Or ICMP type
Month/Date/Time... read more

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-22

FWreport 1.1.1 released

FWReport 1.1.1 has been released in .tar and .rpm format. The next version is some time away and will include some very complex new features. From here, 1.1.x will only be maintained on a bug-fix basis-- no new features will be added.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-19

FWReport 1.1.0 Released

FWReport 1.1.0 has been released in .tar format. RPM to be added soon.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-16

RPM package of 1.0.1 now available

An RPM of the current release of fwreport has been donated by Chris Lount, and other RPM-related work has been donated by Petteri K.

Many thanks.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-13

Roadmap for 1.1

The Roadmap has been set for 1.1.

Estimated Date: 1-2 weeks.

New Features:

Summary-only reports
Can disable rdns lookup

New Documentation:

Man page will be distributed with program.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-11

RPMs coming soon

FWReport will soon release an RPM of the script as well. Many thanks to Petteri Kettunen for his contribution in this area.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-09

1.0.1 Released

This release fixes one major formatting issue.

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-01

1.0.0 Released

FWReport 1.0.0 is released. Enjoy!!!

Posted by Chris Travers 2003-02-01