
Free Windows Network User Accounting / News: Recent posts

FWNUA 3.0 Released!

After many months of deciding what to include or exclude in our next
release, we've finally made up our minds and are very happy to announce
version 3.0 of FWNUA. Be sure to view the Readme, Changelog, the new
Screenshots to get a good idea what is in store for this release.

If you have any questions or ideas, please do not hesitate to suggest them.
The same goes for finding bugs, so please use the bug tracker.... read more

Posted by quikchaos 2004-11-17

Version 3.0 Almost Done

We haven't been slacking! QuiK_Chaos has spent the last few nights feverishly coding. The web interface has once again undergone massive surgery.

A data conversion tool will be released in tandem with regular versions since we can't seem to make up our minds on what format the data should be in. This will eliminate the need to discard data with each version increase as we have done in the past.... read more

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-08-09

FWNUA 3.0 to be released!

After another spurt of development, FWNUA 3.0 looks to be released in the next month or so. Many new features are to be included:

  • The search engine has been re-written to allow for a more SQL type search. You now get a pre-populated selection of items that are able to be searched from, including searches between specific time and date ranges.

  • The new Port Finder module will be included. This module adds a column to the results, allowing you to do an SNMP search on the selected User/Computer/IP for which switch and port the item is connected to on your network. There is also a Custom Search feature on the improved search page that allows you to enter a custom IP address, and search for which switch and port it is connected to.... read more

Posted by quikchaos 2004-06-07

Addon Module Scheduled for Release

Do you have a network powered by Cisco devices? Do you currently use FWNUA?

We have created an addon perl script that we will begin to release in tandem with the vanilla version of FWNUA. The new perl script gives FWNUA a whole new column that pre-populates a hyperlink. When clicked, the link will actively scan all network switches until it finds the exact switch port the user in question is connected to. This feature is infinitely helpful and can be a real time saver.... read more

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-03-26

2.2 Released

Another bug was found in the web interface that has been squished. The main exe is still running flawlessly at this time. Thanks for your support, and we hope this project further serves you better in your IT Manager's eyes. ;)

Posted by quikchaos 2004-03-21

2.1 Released

Enkrypter found 2 bugs the day after the 2.0 release. Bah, it was 5:00am. Shouldn't have been looked over. At any rate, they have been squashed and 2.1 has been released. Enjoy!

Posted by quikchaos 2004-03-16

New Bugs... Already?

There have been two bugs found in the new version 2.0. I have posted a bug report with the fixes. We will release a patched version of the web interface soon. If you can't wait until we release the patch, please view the bug reports and apply the recommended fix mentioned in the report.

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-03-15

New Version Released!

Tonight we wrapped up an all new version with a completely new look and feel. FWNUA 2.0 performs much like it's primitive counterpart, but with a lot more style and functionality.

The entire project was streamlined, rewritten in C, and given a graphical touch from Andrew Heacock. I hope many of you will find the new version more helpful and a lot easier to use and understand.


~The FWNUA Team~

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-03-14

Upcoming 2.0 Release - New Features

In the upcoming 2.0 release of FWNUA, new features include a C version of the main FWNUA executable. This enables the use of a "logoff" mode. You can now use FWNUA in your logoff scripts and get a much more accurate user status.

Posted by quikchaos 2004-03-13

Upcoming New Release!

The FWNUA team is working on a new release! Since the addition of our wonderful new web designer and fellow perl monkey quikchaos, we have managed to streamline the web interface code and make it a lot simpler. Creating a customized interface will be very easy now. We are also going to be adding graphics and creating a project logo!

This is a great time for FWNUA development. We hope to completely redesign the web interface to make the collected data more useful and easier to look at.... read more

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-01-06

Email me for help!

I know this stuff can be kind of comfusing to install and I didn't write the best documentation on how it works. I would like to invite anyone with questions to email me if they have any questions. I have noticed some activity as far as downloads and am happy to see others using this software. I hope to see more downloads inthe near future. I haven't had any requests for new features or bug fixes so I would assume that everyone is happy. I have some new PERL code I am thinking of adding as an add-on module that will allow you to map an IP to a Cisco switch port. You will be able to enter an IP, or click a link, and be shown the exact port on which the device IP is connected. If this is a feature that you could use, email me! So far it is only for Cisco switches, but only because I do not have access to other makes and models to test with. If people would like to donate time or hardware to help me develop this tool, let me know. The module works and I have been using it for about a month now myself. It requires no modification to your switch configurations, no SNMP, and no CDP. It uses simple telnet just like you do to administer your switches.

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2004-01-02

FWNUA Website Up!

The website is up! I hope it helps give some more information on this project and what it can do, and where I would like to see it go.

Enjoy the site!

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2003-11-15

FWNUA - Initial Release!

I have had some of this code running for a couple years now. I finaly found time to improve upon it, create many new features, and write some documentation.

I am also happy to announce that FWNUA has a new home on I hope that people who might wish to use FWNUA can contribute what changes and features they will add to it.

Happy Birthday FWNUA!!!

Posted by Thomas C. Taylor 2003-10-11