ky-lab-rat - 2015-04-08

I noticed in the below link that it says you should log into your servers and just save iptables each time. I want to use fwbuilder to manage iptables rules on over 100 servers and I don't want to have to log into each one and do an /etc/init.d/iptables save each time. Also I don't want to add a script to rc.local to call a script fwbuilder creates. I want to keep it as standard as possible and just have the rules it load into memory just become default. Also the script that it creates would be bad because it would only refresh on boot and not if/when you just stop the service/script. Also with this being a script in the rc.local and not a true service this will require doing some playing with selinux which works just fine with iptables. Also the script would be bad because I have solaris servers that use and they accept just plain old iptables commands that the linux machines I have take too.

Has some one found a way to do this? I've googled around and searched this board but had no luck.