
Firewall Builder installation On CentOS 7

  • Jose Salazar

    Jose Salazar - 2015-03-16


    I am trying to install Firewall Builder on CentOS 7 but I am running into a dependency issue with
    I added the fwbuilder rpm to a local repository to be able to “yum install” it will rpm dependencies that I have been able to find other the net.
    But I always end up with 1 dependency missing the
    Replication steps below.

    I have tried install and uninstalling several of these packages from this URL
    And I have been unable to find anything in the forms of people being able to install this package on redhat 7 systems

    Following this link
    I have ran: yum install net-snmp-libs
    And I downloaded the package and ran it myself.

    Although I do have these two packages:

    Run CentOS 7.0.1406 x86_64

    Steps to replicate:
    Added fwbuilder- to a local repo with other findable missing dependencies
    yum install fwbuilder
    OR yum install fwbuilder-
    OR rpm -ivh fwbuilder-

    If you have any suggestion or solutions I would be glad to hear them!


  • Tadd

    Tadd - 2017-06-08

    I'm upgrading a system from RHEL5 to CentOS 7, searched/saw how far you had made it down the field, and wanted to see if I could advance the ball a little further. I love FWBuilder and would love to use it on my new server.

    I was eventually able to get FWB to work perfectly on CentOS 7 by building it from the GitHub project (see my other post), but first I thought I'd try the binary RPM route like you did. It seemed less trouble at first.

    My failed efforts to do so did have some "end results" like /usr/lib64/ etc. ... Whether or not installing those things helped along my later build process, I don't know. I'm guessing not, but I thought I'd mention it. which you were missing is the version produced by net-snmp-libs-5.5-60.el6.x86_64.rpm, which you can find under CentOS 6 here:

    You can locally install the downloaded RPM via: yum --nogpgcheck localinstall net-snmp*.rpm
    However that fails because of a dependency on: ...etc.
    For that, you can download rpm-libs-4.8.0-55.el6.x86_64.rpm for instance, but it fails to install too with the error "does not update installed package."

    You can extract the .so files from any of these RPMs using, for example:
    # rpm2cpio net-snmp-libs-5.5* | cpio -idmv
    place them in directory: /usr/lib64
    and register them using ldconfig or
    # ldconfig -lv libnetsnmp*

    After all this, # yum --nogpgcheck localinstall fwbuilder*.rpm
    still fails. Why?
    Because yum keeps record of the dependencies it installs in its own database!
    By installing those other libraries manually, even if they're available in /usr/lib64,
    yum won't magically recognize those because you've done things out of its expected order.

    Technically, a well-written library, especially on many-flavored linii, should be backwards-compatible. Yum doesn't really account for that... which is understandable though, since one can never assume what wasn't "supposed" to break.

    As a last ditch, I tried: # rpm2cpio fwbuilder* | cpio -dmv
    but when the resulting executable still didn't run without error, I gave up.
    This is all too much trouble to still have to run an el6 version on el7...

    Best answer: build the project
    following the directions in:

    As I said in the other post, the build will complain about no qmake -- so get that by first:
    # yum install qt-devel
    You'll also have to: # yum install libxml2-devel
    and: # yum install libxslt-devel
    After that, the build was long... with only maybe 3 warnings... but it compiled/linked to a perfectly functional release without any more intervention.

    Your mileage will vary but that worked for me. Good luck and happy building!


    Last edit: Tadd 2017-06-08

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