
Tree [517518] master 1.0.1 /

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File Date Author Commit
 Makefile 2012-08-23 Andrey Myznikov Andrey Myznikov [6ad625] 1.0.0 Add program sources 2012-08-23 Andrey Myznikov Andrey Myznikov [6ad625] 1.0.0 Add program sources
 fw2csv.c 2012-08-23 Andrey Myznikov Andrey Myznikov [517518] 1.0.1 Read data from user-specified file instea...

Read Me


Fixed width data files are probably the most annoying data to import into database.
This utility allows user to insert user-defined column separators into user-defided
positions of flat file table given in fixed-width format.

I am using this utility to import astronomical catalogs provided as flat tables at CDS ftp server;

$ make all [cc={icc|gcc}]

$ make install [prefix=/path/to/your/bin/directory]

Example of usage:

$ gzip -dc table.dat.gz | \
fw2csv --stops=4,10,11,20,30,36 -d '|' -header 1 | \
psql wsdb -c "copy mytable from stdin with csv delimiter '|'"

For the list of available options call
$ fw2csv --help

A. Myznikov
Aug 23 2012