
f/VM (Free Virtual Machine) / News: Recent posts

Bridged networking test

Thanks to the new development server, the first public f/VM server will be bought online at some point during the next few weeks. Watch this space for details (at this point, the first sample service will likely be "hello world").

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-10-10

new development server up

well, things have been quiet for a while here, so quick update - we now have a new development server up (hosted on my home DSL line - go easy on it!) at, nightly builds are available for download from the httpd at

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-10-10

Networking consoles started

Due to medical reasons I haven't been able to work much on f/VM but got back to work today and started on network consoles. Currently only available from CVS. Watch this space.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-08-03

It works!

Yes, full threaded console I/O with sockets now works on *nix (tested on Linux).

party time

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-14

Threaded console I/O update

Work on console output is complete and working on linux. I am currently working on the console input and charn is working on porting to win32. This code should be ready for general use by the next release. For now, you may download the latest CVS code in the usual way.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-14

Exception handling on its way

We are currently working on an internal exception handling system within the VM, increasing stability and security.

Posted by Charn 2005-07-14

Console I/O recoding

I have begun work on rewriting the Console I/O code by moving it into a seperate thread. This will pave the way for network consoles, a better debugger and daemonising f/VM on the host OS.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-11

f/VM site up

We now have the site for f/VM up. You may be reading this news item from the site now ;)

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-09

Road map released

The project roadmap is now available in the docs section of the SF site. This document should make the aims of the project more clear.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-05

Multitasking is on its way...

Added simple support for multitasking. More to come...

Posted by Charn 2005-07-04

Debugger added

the f/VM root VM emulator now has the beginnings of a debugger built in. This feature is still considered under development and may be accessed from the CVS.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-07-03

First public release

I have just uploaded the first public release of the f/VM assembler and emulator. We are still working on a stack and then multitasking. Watch this space.

Posted by Gareth Nelson 2005-06-30