
Furion MUCK / News: Recent posts

Furion MUCK v0.7 Alpha Build 27 released

See my notes attached to the download for more information. Also if you've not already figured it out, I'm *NOT* using CVS at all, nothing in the CVS repository is current.

I use Perforce on my local machine, and I'm not really interested in changing to a different versioning program. I may sometime soon try to make this Perforce server publically accessable so you can get latest copies of stuff without waiting for me to post a tarball.

Posted by cheetah2003 2006-02-10

Build 23 not so stable

It has major problems, feel free to toy with it, but... uhh, don't @recycle anything. :) Working on correcting some mutex deadlocks, too. And MySQL is biting me by freezing up. Grhf.

Posted by cheetah2003 2006-02-07

Furion v0.7 Build 23 Released

While still considered ALPHA code, this is probably the most stable and efficent revision of the SQL stuff. This brings threading to the MUCK server, for true parallel writing. Object level mutex locking has been implemented to prevent collisions between the Maintenance thread and the MUCK thread. Propcleans are not being done with this version, that's coming next. Please try this out and let me know if you can break it. I'm sure its still fragile in places I've not thought of.

Posted by cheetah2003 2006-02-06

Semi-Stable Release

It's still ALPHA, but Furion 0.7 Build 16 is appears stable enough to toy with, and all previously disabled functionality has been restored.

I also erased all the previous distribution, because they were very unstable, and this one is a lot nicer.

Enjoy playing with it, if you do, and send me some feedback. Thanks.

Posted by cheetah2003 2006-01-30

FurionMUCK v0.6 Alpha released

I posted the alpha release, FurionMUCK v0.6. This version seems to work ok, but it probably has problems. Feel free to tinker around with it.

Sorry about the notes being all munched.

Posted by cheetah2003 2006-01-05