
Fur Coder / News: Recent posts


This new release incorporates improvements in the appearance of the GUI. The layout managers have been updated so that all command and option menu buttons are of equal width. Also, the presentation of text has been improved.

This release includes quite a few bug-fixes, including making the decoding feature more robust and less error-prone. (See ChangeLog for more details)

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-09-22

Fur Coder Major Revision

Fur Coder-1.1.0 is a major revision, including changes to both the back end and graphical interface. This new release includes many fixes of minor bugs, clears up some of the graphical state ambiguities that could lead to user confusion, and also revised on-line help documentation covering the changes in useage.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-09-04


This new release includes a much improved installer. The installer now includes logging to assist in cases where the install goes bad. This helps take the guess-work out of install failures.

Also included is an improved application "boot script". The new version accepts command line options, so that it's no longer necessary to start the main script directly to enable instrumentation or check the installed version.... read more

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-08-22

FurCoder: New Beta

For the 1.0.3 update, new features are added: more diagnostics, an updated menu selection methodology that's been designed to increase user-friendliness, a new "About" box that includes tabbed pages, and added close-from-titlebar functionality to the "Special Message" dialog. Additionally, these has been considerable code de-kludging, and more self-correction to make the app less prone to crashing if it receives bad user input.... read more

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-05-02

FurCoder Goes Beta

Phase II fuctionality added: this allows the decryption of a fur code. Also added: on-line help documentation, a "file open" item to the main menu, and an improved install script. Includes man page documentation. Also, some kludginess was removed to improve the user-friendliness.

Posted by Joe T. Penrod 2004-04-24