

Chris DeGreef

Sort Utility

You won't find a more flexible, easier to use, faster sorting utility than Funnel.

Funnel is a sort utility to sort files, large and small. It efficiently handles fixed length records and variable length records. Funnel easily handles ascii (readable) data and binary data. There are many more features in Funnel. It is easy to use and very fast.

For a quick start check out the [Command line usage].

How to [Install on Centos].

Sort Utility Features

[Sort by any number of keys]. Key types: String, Date / time, Integer, Float, and binary numbers too. Supports ascending and descending on each key. Supports Java-like format parsing for date keys (e.g.: MM-dd-yyyy)
[OrderBy clause] replaces the --keys command line argument to provide sorting by column name.
[Where clause] to select specific rows from your input file(s). Algebrain, a sourceforge project, is used to provide full equation support.
[Processing variables] can be used wherever columns can be referenced: e.g. RecordNumber and RecordSize.
[Columns] can be predefined for the input file(s) and used in the [Where clause] and the [OrderBy clause].
[Copy] (original order or reversed)
[Duplicate record handling] (keep first, last, all, or all reversed) .
[Input] can be "standard input" or FileName. If a file name is used, wild cards are allowed.
[Multiple files] can be concatinated into one sorted output file. Or they can be sorted one at a time replacing the original files by using the --[replace] argument.
[Output] can be "standard output" or FileName.
[Variable length records]. Any delimiter is supported and can be changed when rewriting the file.
[Comma Separated Value] (CSV) files with support for headings.
[Fixed length records]. You can also convert fixed length to variable length records.
Save often used sort [commands to a file] and reuse them.
All sorting activity is [logged] to a log file.
[Control over temporary files].
[Caching and control options] to control memory usage and increase sort efficiency
Argument, a sourceforge project, is used to parse and interpret the command line.

Useful Out-of-the-box Utilities

[space] to see how your disk space is utilized.
[dos2unix] to convert a file from dos format to unix.
[unix2dos] to convert a file form unix format to dos.

Project Members:


Wiki: Caching and control options
Wiki: Comma Separated Value
Wiki: Command line usage
Wiki: Control over temporary files
Wiki: Copy
Wiki: Duplicate record handling
Wiki: Fixed length records
Wiki: Input
Wiki: Install on Centos
Wiki: Output
Wiki: Sort by any number of keys
Wiki: Variable length records
Wiki: commands to a file
Wiki: logged