

David Llewellyn-Jones

Functy summary

Functy is a 3D graph drawing package. The emphasis for the application is to allow Cartesian and spherical functions to be plotted and altered quickly and easily. This immediacy and the vivid results are intended to promote fun exploration of 3D function

On these pages you'll find some help and documentation for using the program. Currently the documentation needs work; if you'd like to help improve it please get in touch.


  1. This page
  2. Example usage
  3. Variables for use in functions
  4. Built in functions
  5. Using Cartesian functions
  6. Using spherical functions
  7. Using parametric Curves

Project contributors

Project Admins:


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Wiki: Cartesian
Wiki: Curve
Wiki: Example functions
Wiki: Functions
Wiki: Home
Wiki: Spherical
Wiki: Variables