
Funambol / News: Recent posts

New forge for Funambol Community

The all new Funambol Forge is ready to be used. We have setup a new platform to hold discussions, elaborate documentation and share knowledge, host code. In one verb: to collaborate.

Get an account on and subscribe to the new discussion services on the Core Project (
). The special feature of the discussion services is that you can use them as online forums or mailing list, without having to chose. The old archives of this list are also available in the Funambol Forge search system for everybody's convenience.... read more

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-05-21

New version of the Funambol-SugarCRM connector

Phil Shotton just released a new version of the Funambol-SugarCRM connector (see
This version has been built against Funambol 6.5 and SugarCRM 4.5.1b,
but should work with any recent SugarCRM release.

Note that there is no longer any need to modify the SugarCRM installation. This version should be easier to install, faster to sync, and more bug-free (hopefully :D). It also supports merge-sync.

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-03-18

New Funambol Code sniper bounties

Funambol published three new Code Sniper projects to encourage Funambol global community of mobile open source developers to write apps that sync content between mobile phones and social networks. And one for a Lotus notes plugin.

There are three simple use case drafted that we can discuss further together:

Get Icons/Photos of Your Friends on Your Mobile Phone. Many cell phone address books allow you to associate a picture or icon with the names in it. Many of your friends have put something that represents them on Facebook, MySpace, Ning, Plaxo and other social networks. Wouldn't it be great to be able to fetch those icons and sync them with the address book on your phone? This project consists of writing an app that takes your list of contacts from your phone's address book, fetches the respective icons from Facebook (or another social network), and merges the icons back into your phone's address book. All of the syncing can be done via Funambol.... read more

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-03-13

The Funambol Connector for Scalix has been released

Demonstrating its commitment to Free/Libre Open Source, Scalix and Funambol agreed to release to the community the connector that allows access from Funambol syncronization server to Scalix groupware functions.

The original code was developed as a joint effort between the two companies and now it is released under the GNU Affero GPLv3 license. The code is still rough around the edges, built to work for Funambol version 3.x and Scalix version 11. It's a valuable contribution for Scalix users that want to take their data on the move.

Visit the new project home to get the code on:

Contributions are welcome to port it to Funambol 6.5 and newer Scalix versions. If you have questions or comments please post them on Funambol mailing list:

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-03-12

Funambol version 6.5 SP1 Community Edition released

We've released Funambol Version 6.5 Service Pack 1 Community Edition. This is a maintenance release for Version 6.5 and it includes quite a few bug fixes for some key issues and the Open-Xchange Connector & PIM Listener

For details, please refer to the attached Funambol V6.5 SP1 Release Update

Get the updated bundle from
Get the new Open-Xchange Connector:
release.... read more

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-03-11

Make Funambol work on QTopia, get paid and get a free phone

Why wait until summer to code and earn $3,000? Funambol has just announced the availability of a $3,000 bounty to develop a plugin to allow Funambol to run on Qtopia devices. Trolltech, the makers of Qtopia, was just acquired this week by Nokia and as a result, Qtopia will become more commonly used.

Trolltech and Funambol would like to make sure that Funambol software works on Qtopia, so we are happy to provide you with a free Trolltech Green Phone or OpenMoko phone, a free Trolltech SDK and, of ourse, Funambol software. This would involve developing a plug-in to sync PIM data (contacts and calendar to start with) and maybe push email later.... read more

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-01-31

Funambol gets new Community Manager

A few days ago, Stefano Maffulli started to work for Funambol as the new community manager.

His role here is to help Funambol, the company, to better serve the needs of its community. Some of the first things he will do is improve the current mailing list structure and the Code Sniper and Phone Sniper programs. If you have any needs, suggestions, thoughts or ideas on Funambol, please do not hesitate to contact him.

Posted by Stefano Maffulli 2008-01-21

Funambol v6.5 reaches General Availability (GA)

Funambol is pleased to announce that Funambol v6.5 is now Generally Available (GA). The software can be downloaded from our web site at or from the ObjectWeb (OW2) forge at

Funambol v6.5 incorporates many new features and improvements, but to just highlight some:

  • Major "Push" improvements to enable TCP/IP Push Email and PIM on all mobile operator networks... read more
Posted by Hal Steger 2007-12-22

Funambol v6 is General Availability

Funambol v6 reached the General Availability (GA) stable state. The new release includes numerous enhancements, including a new Java ME push email client, out-of-the-box SQL database support for PIM data, over-the-air data compression, PIM server initiated synchronization, a revamped logging mechanism, improved Windows Mobile, Outlook and iPod plugins.

Posted by Fabrizio Capobianco 2007-05-15

General Availability release of Funambol v3.0

The Funambol Team is very pleased to announce the General Availability release of Funambol v3.0.

You can download the v3.0 GA bundle and individual components here:

...and see what's changed (from Sync4j v2.3 to Funambol v3.0) here:

This GA release for Funambol v3.0 marks a significant milestone for Funambol and for the Funambol open source community. Community members have made considerable contributions to this GA release and it shows in the high quality of the software.... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-09-28

Funambol Community Code Sniper Program launch

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Funambol Community Code Sniper Program.

The main goal of the program is to broaden interoperability of the Funambol mobile application server to connect with as many useful, widely-requested applications and services as possible (based on feedback from community members). This feedback was generated primarily from a series of surveys that were presented to the community over the past few months.... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-09-05

Funambol up for 2006 Mobile Star Awards

Hi All:
Please pardon the commercial, but Funambol has been nominated in 4 categories for the 2006 Mobile Star Awards. Here is your chance to let people know that Funambol is the leading mobile open source project.

To vote, please visit our website at where you will find instructions. As mentioned there, if you do not receive the free Go Mobile e-newsletter, you need to register (click the first link on that page to register) or if you already receive it, you can vote immediately (by clicking the second link). The process takes just a couple of minutes. It does require that you receive a few free copies of the newsletter but you can cancel after that.

Funambol has been nominated in these categories, and you can vote for each one:
19. Enterprise Software: Mobile Email
27. Personal Software: Messaging
33. Personal Software: PIM
46. Visionary: Consumer Mobile Software

The voting deadline is September 22.

Thank you for your consideration,

Hal Steger
VP Marketing

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-08-31

The Honest Public License

Just wanted to let everyone know that Funambol's CEO, Fabrizio Capobianco, has a posting on his blog that you all should read (posted Monday morning, August 14, Pacific Daylight Time).

In it, he discusses a proposed modification of GPL v2 to address the "ASP loophole", effectively creating the first draft of the Honest Public License (HPL). Funambol will leave this draft open for community comments and feedback for the next 30 days.... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-08-15

Funambol v3.0 beta 5 is out

The Funambol Project Team is pleased to announce that v3.0 beta 5 has been released.

You can download beta 5 here:

...and see what's new in beta 5 here:

One of the first things you'll notice when you go to download is that the download page has been redesigned. This new page is a significant improvement over the old one for the following reasons:
+ better organized with better navigation and more intuitive page design
+ functionality of server bundles is now highlighted and easier to find
+ back revs of all components are easier to find
+ easier to associate components with each release (and, therefore, to understand compatibilities)... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-07-11

new Funambol developers mailing list

In response to several requests from community members, Funambol has decided to create a mailing list dedicated to developers only. We are hoping this new list will help sustain the healthy growth of the community.

This new mailing list is for community members who are developing platform extensions and/or applications based on the Funambol code base. It is meant for discussion of issues with technical depth from architecture to development to testing. This list should NOT be used to address installation problems, configuration issues, or user questions.... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-06-21

Funambol v3.0 beta 4 is out

The Funambol Project Team is pleased to announce that v3.0 beta 4 has been released.

You can download beta 4 here:

...and see what's new in beta 4 here:

Included in this release:
+ Funambol Server bundle for Windows
+ Funambol Server bundle for Linux
+ Windows Mobile Client Plug-in
+ Outlook Client Plug-in
+ iPod Client Plug-in
+ Java GUI Client Plug-in
+ Email Connector
+ Client API for C++
+ Client API for J2SE
Individual Components
+ Admin Tool
+ DS Server... read more

Posted by Jason M. Finkelstein 2006-05-30