
FTPVCS / News: Recent posts

Mailing Lists Restored & Server Move

We have moved the site to new servers, and have just finished resetting the mailing lists!

Those that subscribed to the mailing list in the past should get automatically added, but if you don't get a welcome post within 24hrs, please resubscribe. Full details at

Posted by Andy Neillans 2002-09-01

FTPVCS, R12, Patch two (b)

Users of the Windows version of FTPVCS should upgrade to R12b. This fixes a few GUI bugs :)

8:35pm GMT - Linux build updated to R12 , Patch b.

Posted by Andy Neillans 2002-04-29

FTPVCS R12 Patched Update

All users of FTPVCS R12 should update IMMEDIATLY to R12a.

This update fixes a number of MAJOR bugs with the first linux build, and also merges the linux changes back into the Win32 build.

Posted by Andy Neillans 2002-04-27

FTPVCS Release 12

It came to our attention that a lot of the VCS features were 'broken' in R10, and so we have been working hard to get these fixed.

R11 fixed the checkin, etc functions.

R12 fixes all the rest - SO it *should* all be working again!
R12 also comes with some optimisations over the R10 code, although it is still not really to a stage where a 56K modem user can comfortably work with it - but that time will come!

Posted by Andy Neillans 2002-04-23

Loads of updates!

Okay, the website has moved to

The last release R10 included many major changes, and we have found a few problems with it. R11 has been brought forward to fix these. A release will be out in the next few days, if not later today.

Posted by Andy Neillans 2002-04-21