
Can not configure

  • Oshima

    Oshima - 2004-11-23

    I just added the plugin to total commander. But I don't understand the following:
    "right click on plugin and choose properties"
    Right click on what? Where? I tried clicking on the plugin-listing in tc in Options/Operation/FS-Plugins - but there is no menu. Please help!

    • Martin Kanich

      Martin Kanich - 2004-11-24

      Select "Network Neighborhood" in one of total commander's panels. you get list of plugins and some entries from windows. There should be entry called "FTPS Connections". On this entry you can use the popup menu and select item "properties". this wouldn't work if you don't haveall of the dlls installed. otherwise you should get the configuration dialog.

      • Petr Cerny

        Petr Cerny - 2005-01-04

        I wasn't able to find which are the necessary libraries. The content of the two files: '' and '' placed in '<totalcmddir>\plugins\ftps' and '<windows>\system32' respectively doesn't suffice.
        I'm using WinXP SP2, TotalCMD 6.03a.

    • moonie11

      moonie11 - 2005-01-07

      I had the same problem at first, but then I realized that I had been a little lazy myself! :) I only copied the dll-files in the supportfiles zip-file to system32 at first......then when I also copied the dll-files from the "" it started to work. I dont remember if I restarted something too. But with all the dll-files in the PATH it work just fine, I have all the DLLs in system32 myself!

    • Martin Kanich

      Martin Kanich - 2005-01-08


      next time I do a little installer, that does (almost) everything for you.


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