
FTPList and FTPCrawler / News: Recent posts

Release is here

After a lot of delays, the release is finally here. Some more documentation needs to be written. Anyone?

Posted by Peter S 2002-11-04

Release this week!!!

Well, many of you have probably belived that this project is dead, I can tell you one thing though: It isn't.

I just didn't want to release it before Remedy which took place one week ago. I put up FTPlist on my dual AMD 1.3Ghz/512mb box and it kicked ass.

I got loads of positive feedbak :)

I just need to cleanup the code a bit, and write some documentation. An example design of the web-interface is included, I would be happy if someone could designe a better one.

Posted by Peter S 2002-07-09

Release info

Version 0.20 will be released during the weekend, I still have some progging left and some core testing, only a developement version of the WWW interface will be availible. I hope I will get support with progging some fuctions and gdet rid of the libfxp.

Posted by Peter S 2001-09-25