Activity for ftp4j

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #7

    It is probably due to the same ssl reuse problem :

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    Same problem with apache library ... FileZilla Server seems to enable ftps SSL Reuse by default, more and more FTP Server cannot be used with Java.

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    Don't work any more, new JDK cannot compile this code , trying to access to private or protected data. This code produce a security issue. We need an official ssl_reuse functionality. VSFTP enable this option by default, so lot of ftp over ssl explicit server can't be used with ftp4j : see require_ssl_reuse option.

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    Code tested, It works. Thanks to "ImDeveloper" (sukhdev-singh) for this contribution.

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    Hi, Please, could you make a new ftp4j release including this ssl_reuse functionality ? ftp4j client library is really the best but I cannot use it anymore since ssl reuse become a standard on FTPS server ... Thanks.

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    Same error with FTPS proftpd server: Client ftp4j cannot be used while server configuration decrease this TLS security flag : TLSOptions NoSessionReuseRequired

  • Deguich Deguich posted a comment on ticket #2

    It's an old issue but it could be re-open. It's not a VSFTPD problem ! it increase security, client software needs evolution ...

  • Raghunandan Seshadri Raghunandan Seshadri created ticket #7

    FTPException uploading empty file using FTPES and FTPIS

  • ImDeveloper ImDeveloper created ticket #2

    SSL session reuse functionality in ftp4j

  • ChuchiPerriman ChuchiPerriman created ticket #6

    Error 226 uploading a file