
I have made to following changes to 0.7.1 for handling FtpWorkflow and FtpIO expections in the downloadStream functionality:
public InputStream downloadStream(FTPFile fromFile) throws IOException, FtpWorkflowException, FtpIOException {

PipedInputStream pis = new PipedInputStream();

class DownStreamingThread extends Thread {
FTPConnection connection;
FTPFile fromFile;
PipedInputStream pis;
FtpWorkflowException fwException = null;
FtpIOException fioException = null;
IOException ioException = null;

public DownStreamingThread(FTPConnection connection, FTPFile fromFile, PipedInputStream pis) {
this.connection = connection;
this.fromFile = fromFile;
this.pis = pis;

public void run() {
// Updated by KMD: YTC - Added exception handling for FtpWorkflow and FtpIO expections
try {
connection.streamFile(fromFile, pis);
} catch (FtpWorkflowException e) {
fwException = e;
} catch (FtpIOException e) {
fioException = e;
} catch (IOException e) {
ioException = e;

* @return the fwException
public FtpWorkflowException getFwException() {
return fwException;

* @return the fioException
public FtpIOException getFioException() {
return fioException;

* @return the ioException
public IOException getIoException() {
return ioException;


DownStreamingThread dst = new DownStreamingThread(this, fromFile, pis);
// ensure that in/out pipes are connected already
try {
for(int i=0; i<60 && pis.available() <= 0; i++) {
// Updated by KMD: YTC - Added exception handling for FtpWorkflow and FtpIO expections
if(dst.getFwException() != null) {
throw dst.getFwException();
} else if(dst.getFioException() != null) {
throw dst.getFioException();
} else if(dst.getIoException() != null) {
throw dst.getIoException();

} catch(InterruptedException e) {}

return pis;

It is not pretty but it serves our purpose well and I hope that someone will implement it or something better.
holmbaeck (at) gmail (dot) com