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Version 0.98 avaible

NOTE: Java 1.4.2 is recommended for this version. Prior version are allowed, patching the 0.98 version with the xml version, but its a temporary solution.

-Added support for tactics files.
-Multiple selection movement for map objects allowed.
-Added map public to private.
-Default port for servers is now displayed (27015).
-Added a button to delete the selected map objects.
-Icons not present in the path are displayed with a
default 'not found' icon.
-Fixed the 'path not found' bug.

Posted by Pablo Espartero Porras 2004-03-29

Version 0.97 avaible

Version 0.97 released with the following new features:

*New permission manager
*Multilanguage support
*Subdirectories allowed in maps directory

Posted by Pablo Espartero Porras 2003-09-24