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File Date Author Commit
 .idea 2022-04-13 erik erik [fd291b] version 4
 saves 2022-04-13 erik erik [fd291b] version 4
 source 2022-04-13 erik erik [4b76e9] test button
 venv 2022-01-02 erik erik [ff8d79] version 2
 .gitignore 2022-01-02 erik erik [800640] Added standalone zip file
 LICENSE 2021-12-28 ejms116 ejms116 [4f8ede] Initial commit 2022-01-07 ejms116 ejms116 [48cbe7] Update
 config.ini 2022-04-13 erik erik [fd291b] version 4 2022-01-02 erik erik [ff8d79] version 2 2022-04-13 erik erik [fd291b] version 4

Read Me

FTL Savegame Manager

The FTL Savegamer Manager is a tool to keep track of your savegames in a FTL run. After a full run you end up with a folder that has a savegame from every beacon. The intention was to collect interesting/bad fights and use those as training to get better at handling those.


I only tested this program for the Steam Version 1.6.14. If you're using a diffrent version the program might crash trying to read the save-file. I'll maybe add support for Multiverse in the future, please let me know if someone is interested in that. This program also currently only works on windows.

Also note that there is a very small chance that FTL will try to access the current save file at the same time as this program. If that happens there will be an message in FTL saying that it was unable to save. This is unproblematic, FTL will save your progress again on the next beacon.


The code that reads the continue.sav file is based on Vhati's profile editor and the python implementation by whiskeythecat.


If you just want to use the program. The only thing you need is to download the file from this repo or the file here.

  • Download the zip file and extract it
  • you should end up with a directory that includes 2 folders (current and saves), a config.ini and the ftl_savegame_manager.exe
  • now you need to configure the config.ini file:
  • target_path: this has to be the location where FTL stores the continue.sav
  • saves_db_path: this should point to the saves folder
  • saves_new_path: this should point to the current folder
  • update_frequency: this is the intervall for checking new continue.sav files, the default is 2000
  • run the ftl_savegame_manager.exe


  • Load Save: This copies the chosen file into the FTL directory. This also renames the file so you can rename your saved games if you want.
  • Save Last File: This copies the latest saved game into the saves folder, if tracking is active. It opens a prompt so you can choose to rename the file.
  • Open Saves Folder: Opens the saves folder
  • Open Current Folder: Opens the current folder
  • Toggle Tracking: If this is active (indicated by the color of the button; green=active, red=not active) the program checks every 2 seconds (default) if the continue.sav has changed and creates a copy of the file in the current directory. The program also creates a folder for every new run. The filenames include the current beacon, sector and the ship name, so it should be easy to identify the file you're looking for.