
'#include "myinclude"' Not Recognized

  • Tom Browder

    Tom Browder - 2009-05-16

    I am using the latest version of ftagshtml and notice that lines like this:

      #include "myinclude"        ! a cpp line

    don't get picked up and shown as include files.  I have tried various things with the readf77 function in module but with no success.   I have now tried tricking the parser by doing this in the readf77 function

        while(<$in>) {
          # TB: change the #include format
          if (/\#include/) {
        s/^\s*\#include/      include/;
          # end format change

    I still can't get it to work.  Ugh!

    All C file includes do get picked up--that's good.

    I did add these lines in bin/ftagshtml to eliminate Perl warnings:

    my $level = 0 ; # existing line 185
    # new lines:
    # TB: eliminate Perl warnings
    my $opt_f90 = 0;
    my $opt_l2h = 0;
    my $nosave = 0;
    my $php = 0;
    my $opt_nostyle = 0;
    my $cgi = 0;
    my $getin_format = 0;
    my $opt_R = 0;
    # end of new lines

    Thank you for a very helpful program.  I've added a link to it on the Gfortran Wiki (see the last entry under "Quick Links" at <>).


    • Olivier Cessenat

      This ought to work in release 0.517 provided today.
      Feel free to send me direct email at if you have any other request or bug report.
      Thanks for your nice comment on that program.


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