
File Sync-nator / News: Recent posts

Class Project Version Release

FileSync-nator v1.0 Beta, the version that was turned as the final product for a Purdue University class project, has been release to the public. It's only the souce code, so in order to check it out, you'll have to manually build it.

The product you'll get from this release is it's very first version that was done in exactly 8 weeks time including design and documentation. So, please note that it will have some bugs. Please submit bugs and feature requests tp the tracker if you find anything.... read more

Posted by Matt Magurany 2005-05-06

Development Started!!

Matt has joined the team!! This is going to be the best software in the world! (that's the goal)

Posted by Matt Magurany 2004-12-30

New Page!

We just got approved and are getting setup here on SF.NET, I've been working on getting our team page up, check it out!

Posted by Erik Baar 2004-12-19