
Finite State Machine Language / News: Recent posts

New Feature Added: Actionless Transitions

It is now possible to specify a transition matrix without any action using the following syntax:


See file release version 0.1.2 for the code.

Posted by Steven Stanton 2002-09-29

New File Release Available

full_test.tar.gz contains the full project source plus the output of running "make full_test." This is for the convenience of those who want to see the current language output but aren't running RH 7.2.

Posted by Steven Stanton 2002-08-22

First File Release Available

This release represents the project as it now stands. Only RH 7.2 has been tested; only C code and HTML are generated. But, it does work!

Posted by Steven Stanton 2002-08-20

New Project Home Page

This new homepage represents the first step toward a "real" homepage. Stay tuned for more updates in the near future!

Posted by Steven Stanton 2002-08-19

Repository Open For Business

Code files (and a README) have been added to the fsmlang repository.

Posted by Steven Stanton 2002-08-16