
Finite State Machine Editor / News: Recent posts

FSME 1.0.6 is out

This is a bugfix release, which addressed compile issues on Linux and Windows systems.

Download it here:

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2011-08-31

FSME 1.0.5 is out

This version compiles for Qt4 and can be compiled on Mac. It should be running both on Windows and Linux as well

Download it here:

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2011-08-28

FSME 1.0.4

Here is a new bugfix release of FSME. It fixes
build faults on GCC 4x (I hope) and also uses a new build system named SCons. From now, this is
a preferred way to compile FSME.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2006-06-11

Code restructure & new feature

Finally, I've got some time to work on FSME.
By that time I changed some features I did't like most, and added automatic action commit.

Auto action commit is a feature which automatically saves your edits to undo buffer after a second of idle. This applies to name, comment and transition condition input fields. All other controls commit actions immediately. I hope you will like this feature...

Also, I started to well-document my code extensively. By now, Action and Browseable classes are well documented.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2005-08-18

FSME 1.0.2 is out

There mostly a bugfix release. Although, it has several new features:

Now we have 'true' and 'false' constants. It can be used in condition expressions.

Python source now have information about encoding, as supported by Python 2.3.

State addition is now documented. 'Apply' button gives info how to add a state.

FSME has been translated to Russian. Other translations are welcome.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2005-02-15

PHP Wiki started

Thank to, I'm able to write more up-to-date documentation via PHP Wiki now.

A PHP Wiki is at

Feel free to join and write documentation or caveats you met while using FSME.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-11-16

FSME 1.0 Released

Here is a first stable FSME release. As usual, it consists of 2 stable packages: FSME, the Editor, and FSMC, the Compiler.

But here is a third package now, FSMD, the Debugger/Tracer. It is at revision 0.5, but is already usable. Just run application with automatas created with FSMC with -d switch, and pipe it to fsmd. FSMD will filter application log and display automata trace in graphical mode. Even mode, you can debug multiple automatas using this debugger in parallel!... read more

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-11-10

FSMD: Finite State Machine Debugger

Here is one else tool in FSME set. It is a Finite State Machine Debugger. Actually, this is a log trace tool, which reads stdout of debugged application and filters it. FSMD reads logging information from Finite State Machine instances running in this application and visualizes it.

To use it, You need CVS version of FSMC and FSMD.

Generage source code with new FSMC with -d key and pipe program output to FSMD. ... read more

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-10-29

FSME: Added Online Tutorial

I added online tutorial page for FSME:
See online description of fsme-examples there

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-04-23

FSME 0.9 Released

In this release all reported bugs have been fixed,
and a couple of new features have been added.

1. Added some examples. (tutorial and sample Useless Calculator)

2. Added source documentation generation from editor comment fields

3. Added types of actions. Now it can be output call and event to itself. In the future, embedded machines events and events to embedded machines will be added

4. Types of transition. Now developer can operate state stack, which gives more control, but should be used with care, because it is not so easy to understand as traditional transition graph.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-04-21

FSME: Added examples section

There are several major changes to FSME project:

- Added tutorial (step1, step2 and step3 directories)

- Added Useleless Calculator to demonstrate simple usage of FSM's generated by this project

- Improved code generators: fsmc and pyfsmc are
merged into single project, fsmc now ships generated C++
header with inlined documentation taken from comment
fields of FSM entities, pyfsmc includes these comments as
usual documentation strings.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2004-04-21

A First Release of Finite State Machine Editor (FSME)

I've just uploaded a first version of FSME.

It is a tool to draw general finite state machines.
Here is a first release of a convertor, which makes c++ headers and sources. It makes an almost abstract class from which you'll have to derive and implement some functions. All logic is drawn on a diagram.

Posted by Alexander Darovsky 2003-07-09