
frsb / News: Recent posts

Good news, bad news...

Bad news: I'm temporarily halting any further development on frsb, and placing priority on my other MySqueaks project:

Good news: I'm working on the successor to frsb which will feature a more modular framework and much closer integration with MySqueaks. I'll try to include backward compatibility as much as possible so that it'll almost be effortless to upgrade from frsb. ... read more

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-07-29

Birthday updates...

Unfortunately I've to let schedules slip for quite a bit as I'm targeting an official 1.0.0 release for MySqueaks on the 20th July (two! more! days!) and I still have two weeks left till the end of my internship before I seriously have time to think about frsb. That's about all... Happy birthday to me in advance! :)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-07-17

At the X-roads...

Just a heads-up for people who are wondering about the obvious, and severe, lack of updates here, while I just bumped up MySqueaks two days ago...

If you had read the previous news, the next version of frsb will be *big*. "Problem" is, the ideas and concepts that come to my mind as I continuously define the word "big" are so much so that things may get very different in scope when the next version of frsb finally arrives. ... read more

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-06-14

The road ahead... (Part 4)

Now that MySqueaks is more-or-less done for deployment here in frsb, I will be resuming part-time programming (that's because I'm doing my internship now) after I'm done with Imagine Cup round 2 due in less than two weeks from now...

Anyway, here's a sneak peek! :)

1) Incorporation of MySqueaks - not a secret

2) New administrative interface - complete with WYSIWYG editor!

3) Proper database back-end for multi-site implementation - Currently this is managed by common.php and certain attributes of the users table. Having a proper database back-end will allow for more flexibility to create different portals for different users, all from the same frsb installation. It will also make it simpler to update the pages used for single installations.... read more

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-05-04

0.8.5 for MySqueaks

Just left with the ALTER TABLE functions on that side before I can start working on frsb again.

What you can expect for the next release:
MySqueaks-based back-end
New administrative interface
WYSIWYG editor (hopefully, will be using a 3rd-party implementation)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-04-23

Exams coming up...

Hello! Sorry for the lack of updates... my exams are coming up in two weeks time, so I can only resume my coding on MySqueaks (the sister project that the next version of frsb will depend on) on the 13th earliest... wait, that's a Friday? Make that the 14th on Saturday then. :D Meanwhile, I welcome any feedback for future releases! Please download and give it a shot ya? ;)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-04-01

Why are we waiting... why are we waiting...

That's because I just got started on my second open source project MySqueaks! (URLs below) MySqueaks is a simple PHP class that generate SQL statements. This facilitates an easier understanding of the different parts and conditions of a SQL statement, making it more user-friendly for beginner programmers.

The start of this second project means that I now need to split my 24 hours a day in between my school work, personal stuff (like brushing teeth, eating etc. :p) on top of both projects as well. As such, unless there are some other willing developers to jump on board now, do not expect much to happen here in the near future... What I intend for the next release of frsb is to incorporate MySqueaks so as to ease the development on frsb's MySQL backend as well. Since MySqueaks is not totally complete yet (it's still missing the important ALTER TABLE function that frsb will definitely need for the upgrades), please give me some time to finalise that first before I come back to frsb. After this interm release of frsb, I'll resume back to the last planned roadmap of frsb. :) ... read more

Posted by Jun Kwang 2007-02-20

Critical bug found for 2.5.0 beta: please re-download!

A critical bug was just found for 2.5.0 beta. !! -_- Please re-download the file, thanks!

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-12-23

two-five-zero 'nuff said

Check either the homepage or the notes page for this relase for more information... (and trust me, there's *a lot*!)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-12-23

frsb: Xmas edition...

Yeah yeah I know... I promised something in November and how *three* whole months have passed by since the last major release, and I feel bad for that. :( I'll try to finalise the next version up by Christmas - no feature creep except those I've planned - and here's all the best to the project...

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-12-05

November has come...

Hello everyone! I know I sort of promised a release before November but homework/project meetings have been getting packed recently and the design's not up yet, so... I'll keep in touch with regards to the design. The backend updates are half-done and I really hope to deliver something this month... :)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-11-01

Bug fix for user settings page!

Please refer to the following patch for more details:

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-10-08

Monthly updates

I'm currently swarmed by massive school work, which explains the lack of updates... :( On a high note, one of my friends have kindly agreed to do a new skin to go with the new revamped interface, so do watch out for this come October. :D So there!

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-09-24

Version 2.0.0 beta!

A simple incremental update. :) Comes with the blog "clipping" feature and minor interface enhancements.

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-08-15

The road ahead... (Part 3)

A slight but significant detour ahead... :) I'll be making a new release with bug fixes and minor interface improvements these few days (with the free time I have before school starts) and what happens after that will come a major rewrite of the front-end for frsb. Don't be too shocked yet: Currently I'm using nested tables to take alignment down to the last percentage value, which is quite "Web 1.0" considering where the tide is heading these days. For the next major release, I'll focus on making greater use of CSS and <div> tags to make frsb more "Web 2.0", and probably align it more with the HTML 4.01 Strict specifications. Times are a-changing, and I can't afford my web programming skills to be "left on the shelf" (so to speak). It's time to keep up! :)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-08-14

Taking a break. :)

This is just to inform everyone interested/semi-interested in the progress of frsb that I'll be involved in two University Freshmen camps back-to-back over the next week. I might make a special NDP release for my country's - Singapore - birthday on the 9th August. Check back then and see if things work out. :) Meanwhile, enjoy version 1.9.0 beta as I've enjoyed it myself. :D So there!

P.S.: This is just to remind me a week later that I'll be writing a short "Part 3" to frsb's roadmap...

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-08-03

The road ahead... (Part 2)

Ok, I guess this's going to be the gameplan:
1) Blog "clipping" and user avatars (the latter's pending) will make it to either the next or next two releases. These two features will require modifications to the front-end pages' code and hence I thought it would be more feasible to step up frsb with them.

2) Everything else - rich media additions, RSS, database import/export etc. will simply be released as modules. Speaking about modules, I'll be posting updated versions soon (only one from the current *two* listed modules actually required a minor code rewrite to fix a minor bug, I'll just update the other for the sake of updating) and I may release a few simpler ones to... make the modules system look good? Anyway, the idea about heading this path is to ease the development process, considering that I'm not going to have lots of free time left. ... read more

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-07-25

The road ahead...

First things first, school is starting for me soon, which means I'll have less time to develop frsb. :( That being said, I'll still try to post whatever new updates I have along the way and make new releases as soon as possible. If you were to check feature requests under, I have a couple coming up but given the shorter amount of time I have on my hands in the near future, I'll probably stick to implementing just one of them and releasing it as a new version - it'll be too long a wait to clobber a pair of upcoming features together (or more) and releasing them to the public, so don't be too said if it's only a few bug fixes and some small features on the next version. I'll look into adding RSS support and database import/export capabilities real soon... :) So there!

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-07-23

Version 1.9.0 beta alas!

Head over to the Home Page or Files section (Notes) for more information. :)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-07-20

Version 1.9.0 beta - Delayed!

Head over to the Home Page for more details:

Ok, to let the cat out of the bag, the delay is only a day... Please bear with it.

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-07-19

Next up: The Birthday Update!

I've managed to free up a bit more time over the next course of two weeks, so I reckon I might as well include the Todo list feature back for the next release (I actually quietly replaced it with a new admin interface under SF's Features Request page) and get everything done on my birthday, which is the 19th. :D Look forward to better documentation too, something sadly lacking for the past three releases... so there! Onwards to the birthday update!

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-07-08


This will serve as frsb's development site for fellow developers. Its current "official" homepage - - will still be kept online for downloads and end-users to know more about frsb as a blogging system.

Have fun! :)

Posted by Jun Kwang 2006-06-28