
frontburner / News: Recent posts

frontburner 0.05 through 0.08 released

(This is a catch-up news item covering releases
created while the file release system was down.)

Several new versions of frontburner are now
available. The application now maintains a data
directory in the user's home directory, enables
editing of items in the list, automatically opens
the application windows when a topic tab is
clicked, and adds a summary panel that shows all
of the pending items in priority order
regardless of topic. As of version 0.07,
frontburner no longer requires Java 1.3 -- any
Java 1.2 release will now work.

Posted by M. Hedlund 2000-12-18

frontburner-0.04 released

This release fixes a usability issue with removing items from a to-do list. Before, any random mouse click that got too close to the edge would completely and irrevocably obliterate a to-do list item. Now, closed items are left on the list until the list is saved, at which time they are deleted. (A future version will archive closed items for posterity.)

See for installation instructions.

Posted by M. Hedlund 2000-10-19

frontburner-0.03 released

This is a bugfix release and should definitely be installed if you are running frontburner-0.02. A bug in 0.02 was preventing new to-do items from being added in some cases.

Posted by M. Hedlund 2000-10-18

frontburner-0.02 released

Added the ability to delete to-do items from the
to-do list, and changed the gui to use a JTable
interface rather than a JList.

Posted by M. Hedlund 2000-10-18

frontburner-0.01 released

This first alpha release of frontburner, version 0.01, has been posted.

Posted by M. Hedlund 2000-10-16