
FrogBlog / News: Recent posts

Beta 01 released!

After over half a year of inactivity have I now released FrogBlog beta 1.

This release hopefully fixes most bugs that would make FrogBlog thus far difficult to install and hard to get working on most systems. Note that no new functionality is added, so if you already have an older version working there is no need to upgrade.

In the time between having started work on FrogBlog and now has my level of coding advanced greatly, and I look upon most of my code in absolute horror. Doing it properly (with a good design model and object oriented code) would mean having to start all over and again and since I primarly wrote this blog for myself it is not likely that I will do so.... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2007-08-25

FrogBlog Alpha 13 released!

Seeing how the dependency on mod_rewrite meant extra difficulties for people not used to setting up their own webserver, or people who do not even have their own webserver, is there now a new release that does not have this dependency.

Seeing how .htaccess files are no longer required either this release should work on just about any webserver out there, but at a cost.

The reason I used mod_rewrite in the first place was because it allows me to make very beautifull URL's. Now, instead of for instance going to /archive/55, you will have to go to /index.php?archive&55, which I find quite ugly. Nonetheless, if you can't get mod_rewrite to work, this is your option :)... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2007-01-15

Alpha 12 released!

As per title: FrogBlog Alpha 12 is now available for download.

Fixed a number of small bugs, mostly to do with UBB parsing, caching and feed creation. Most noteable update is that cached files are now automatically deleted once they become obsolute, meaning a lot less files in the cache directory.

Also, as promised, a complete guide on how to get FrogBlog working is now available in the guides section! So if you're having trouble installing it, I suggest you check it out!... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2007-01-15

Alpha 11 released!

You can now find alpha 11 in the download section!

This is basicly the result of hours of troubleshooting and testing. Little additional functionality compared to alpha 10, but the fixlist is the most extensive yet.

I have now succesfully tested FrogBlog with both Xampp and Appserv, and managed to get it working fully in both cases within 5 minutes. A guide on how to do that is on its way.

I'm pretty close to switching this project to beta status, but before I do there is 1 more thing that needs doing: fix the dependency on mod_rewrite. Though how to do that, I do not know yet..

Posted by FragFrog 2006-12-02

Alpha 10 released!

As promised, you can now find FrogBlog alpha 10 in the download section!

Note that I've also made a new releases catagory for templates, even though both current templates are already included in the latest version. Since templates are extremely modular do I hope others will contribute to it sometime and be able to produce a lot more templates therein :)

Note that the CSS for 'peace' extends well over 100 lines. This used to be about 40, but then the template would only work correctly in IE. Yeah, you're reading this right, I spend three times as much work on getting the template to look good in FF as I did on creating it.. Stupid Firefox.. But here at least it now looks almost exactly the same in both browsers :)

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-27

Slight delay for alpha 10 - its going to be a big one!

Sorry for the lack of updates, I tried to get Alpha 10 done today but alas, I fear it is not ready.

In this update finally a new template! See the screenshots for a look of it!

Furthermore did I fix a huge bug that prevented most of the package from working if magic_quotes_gpc was disabled, a few smaller bugs with the archive handling, and started work on a database abstraction layer class that will replace much of the old database code.... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-26

Alpha 09 released!

See the download section for the latest version, alpha 09!

With this release finally comes an admin panel that lets you edit and delete blog-items and delete comments. Its not perfect yet, but I think suffices for general use. Also, you can now edit the configuration AFTER the installation without having to edit the files yourself.

Lastly, with this release I fixed several small bugs with mainly the installer in situations where frogblog is installed in a subdirectory and is there a small link added to the default template leading back here :)... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-22

Alpha 08 released!

I just finished uploading the latest version, Alpha 08. With this release comes the additional functionality of an RSS feed to the blog.

Visiters should be automatically notified of the feed and when subscribed see the latest 20 entry's, along with a short description.

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-18

Alpha 07 released!

Just finished testing a new release, alpha 07. With this the requirements are lowered even further - I've just installed and tested it on PHP4.3 and its working swell now!

Also managed to improve the code of the installer a lot, as well as fix the comment-bug I -THOUGHT- I had erased in the last release but which for some weird reason didn't got saved.

All in all am I getting rather pleased with how easy it is to install and get it to work - I just did a complete install, including webserver, in under 5 minutes. I'll write a guide on how to do that later ;)... read more

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-17

Alpha 06 just out!

Check the download section now for the newest release, Alpha 06! This fixes a major bug in alpha 05 that prevented comments from working alltogether, as well as including a fix for the problem that frogblog would only work correctly in the webroot. Additionally, IP adresses are now also stored so you can see who's spamming your blog! ;)

~ FragFrog

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-16

Alpha 04 requirements added

Updated the release notes for the alpha 04 release with the current requirements as far as they are known to me.

Amongst others these include PHP5.0 due to my choise for using str_ireplace in the installer. Now, I don't particularly like the code in that section anyway, so expect an update fixing that soon :)

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-11

Alpha 03 major bugfix!

For those of you who downloaded alpha 03 and got treated to a nice error: I just found out. For some reason the change didn't happen in my live version untill I checked it out just now - ironically probably because it was using a cached version.

Please find a fixed release in the downloads section here:

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-11

Installer created

I've added an installation check to the index. If no correct installation data is found, the installer is displayed.

See also the screenshot section for a screenie of this.

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-09

Work Continued

After months of inactivity did I decide to continue work on this project. Its current status is somewhere between alfa and beta - it works, but its hell to install and extremely user-unfriendly.

Expect this to go into beta in a few weeks tops :)

Posted by FragFrog 2006-11-08