
Device not present error?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I have installed frodo on my tungsten c.

    If i use the file manager and load a .d64 file (i tried many of them...) and then press F7 in the emulator the "Device not present error" occurs.

    I think the programm doesnt map the files correctly.

    Any ideas?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have exaclty the same problem! I have tried to instal Frodo to the SD-card, and/or on the PalmCard. But, neither works!


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same problem here with T/T.  Anyone have the fix?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      on my tungsten c
      1. I load it with the filemanager.
      2. I typed: LOAD "*",8,1
      3. I typed: RUN


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Not on my T/T.  I do exactly what you wrote.  I just get the device not present error with that file too.  I don't understand what I'm doing wrong.

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-04

      Mysteriouser and mysteriouser. Rest assured that the majority of the users are *not* getting these problems. Is it just .d64 or .t64 too?

      Yes, .d64 may fail to load because of lacking 1541 emulation, but fail to mount (aka "device not present")? Simply does not happen.

      It can't even be a low memory problem (but do try to free up about 200 kB of memory, then try again) since .d64s are run straight from the database.

      Johan Forsberg

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Thanks for taking the time and interest in the problem!  It also happens with "t64" files as well.  One question.  I am using a Mac as the "base" computer for my Palm Tungsten.  Do you think that may make any difference?  I have more than 4.5 megs free on the Palm, plus more than 20 megs free on my SD card; and, like the fella' who wrote above, Frodo has this problem whether I put it in the Palm or the SD card.  And yes, it "sees" all the programs in the SD card as "X" files in the file manager.  What does the /8 /9 etc. function do?  Do we have to somehow select one of the "drives" before/after mounting the disk in file manager?  Is that the problem?  Do you want to borrow my Palm?  :-)

      Preston Douglas

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Ummmm - you guiys are converting to .pdb using Pippin, right???

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      @preston douglas "What does the /8 /9 etc. function do? "

      on the commodore you have been able to connect 2 disk drives. The first Drive was the 8 and the second drive was 9. So Load"$",9 meant that you are loading the directory from the second disc drive.

      best wishes,

      PS Hope to see a solution for the "device not present error" soon.......nearly cant wait ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      In case it helps, I've had this several times. However, in each case, I noticed that Pippin had automatically converted my single-file .d64 into a .t64 (which is good, as .t64 is smaller in this case).

      You can't load .t64s in the same way, as they don't operate through the same (emulated) device. The best way to use them, is to press SHIFT and RUN/STOP on the C64 keyboard, which loads and runs the first program on the (emulated) tape.

      This has worked in all cases I've come across so far.

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-15

      Thanks, nobody. Maybe that's the whole problem. Directory listing ('load "$",8') doesn't work that well on .t64 tape images. The way I use all games is to simple write 'LOAD "*<return>'

      Yes, you don't even have to write a closing ", and it works on both tapes and disks.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Is topic hasn't has any movement in almost two months.  Is there a reason why?  I just installed Frodo on my T3 and put a t64 and d64 program in the PALM/Programs/Frodo directory, but I get the same Device Not Present Error


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm having the same problem on a Sony Clie TG50, and I've tried all the above

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry about the TG50 post, I figured it out, and feel like a bonehead.  I missed the part about file manager.  Sorry

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I just wanted to say that I still get Device Not Present Error on my T3.  Nothing seems to work.  File Manager doesn't work for me either.  I just learned that this project may start up again, so I hope this issue can get resolved.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I also get this error on my Clie UK50 whilst trying to run Slightly Magic

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same happening on Tungsten E, seems to be a problem with the Palm Model
      If someone gets it working, please post it!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I was getting exactly the Problem you describe ("Device not present error") and couldn't think of a possible cause.
      Then I looked closely at the manual and learned that you have to convert your d64/t64 files to pdb-format with the Pippin-Tool. Now disk mounting works fine :)


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