
Beta3 crashes both Palm TX and TE2

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi Tom,

    I have installed beta3 on both Palm TX and TE2, and it just resets the palm, be it the normal or Xscale version (by the way what is exactly this Xscale version ? it is not mentionned in the relase notes...)
    On TX I have tried everything: removing the Frodo database, removing overclocking, and adding some heap space (2MB) with UDMH. Nothing would prevent it from crashing. Any idea ? I would like to try it...

    Thanks and cheers,


    • TomB

      TomB - 2007-07-19

      The version in folder xscale is compiled with the option -fcpu=xscale and so the compiler uses more efficient assembler instructions which are not available on other CPUs.
      I tested both versions on Treo650 and TungstenE without any problem. Surprisingly the xscale version also works on Tungsten E.
      TE2 has an XScale CPU, so both versions should run on your device. I have no idea what's wrong.

      But I removed this version to do some more testing.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Tom,

      Thanks for your reply. Could it be the way I install it ? rather than using HoTsync, I copy the .prc on my SD card, then copy it from external to internal memory using FileZ. Could it be that some config files from the previous version is not deleted and cause a conflict ? again, both versions fail on both devices !
      Thanks and cheers,


      • TomB

        TomB - 2007-07-19


        I never tried this way to install Frodo, but I test this today in the evening and also check if the used optimizer switch -O3 makes any problems (in previous version, -O2 was used).
        Details late this evening or tomorrow.


    • TomB

      TomB - 2007-07-19

      Now I replaced the file with a version compiled with gcc 3.3.6. I have to read more about the changes in the gcc toolchain to figure out, what to do to use newer versions for armlet code.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Tom,
      I tried it and it works now, thanks ! :) but no more Xscale version ?
      Besides, the performance in SC mode does not seem to be better than beta2...
      I sill have the problems of Beta2:

      1/illegal opcodes in SC mode, especially for GEOS
      2/On TX, the text font suddently becomes giantic and overshadows the Joystick/indicators portion

      Thanks and cheers,



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