
Converting Infocom .d64-Files

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm having problems converting Infocom .d64-Files with Pippin: The size of the converted .pdb is only 745 Bytes. (I tried Planetfall, Enchanter, Deadline.) Does anybody know a solution for this?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I can help here!  one of my first major tasks at the time.  you don't play them on the c64 emulator-  you must convert the z files with a z file converter- then you can play them on the palm with a couple of choices.  personally- I like to use frobnitz-  now its been awhile and I'm away from my notebook- but this is what I remembering doing:

      you gather the programs of the games you want.  don't forget to get copies of some of the 'extras' that came in the box.  get the z file converter,  drag and drop your game into it, load fronitz into the palm and play your game on that.  some of the old same shortcuts still work too!  I have been able to get every game converted and going except the Sherlock Holmes one-  only because at the time I wasn't great with doing sound.  

      If you search-  you could find the 'invisiclues' too.

      btw, z files like z3, z4, z5, etc. are the types of files the games are, depending on the size.  why 'z'?  it was named z files after Zork.

      when I get back to my nb- I'll turn you onto the addresses and the official names of things.


    • TomB

      TomB - 2005-12-11

      Copy the .d64 file to SD-card into folder /Palm/programs/Frodo and use it without conversion.



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