
Treo 600

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Sory Frodo crashes my Treo 600, any idea why?

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-01

      Because your Treo 600 is only capable of 160x160 graphics. By default Frodo writes 320x320 16 color graphics straight into the graphics memory, which will cause an overrun on the Treo.

      The next version will launch your Treo in "Compatible mode". It's up to PalmOS then. It won't be fast. It won't be pretty. But it will work.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks  Johan,

      Yeah also love to see a treo600 version..!

      possible drawing every second pixel wont slow things down too much.?


    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-15

      Oh yes, it will! I will not optimise hundreds of lines of code just for the Treo 600. I'll draw to a 320 wide bitmap, then count on PalmOS to downsample, probably in a very ugly fashion.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      aaaw, fuck!
      Jag har ox en treo 600 som jag fick idag och var skitnjd med att kunna pela c64-spel p den.
      Och s kan man inte.

      Det konstiga r att jag inte ens kan starta programmet.
      Jag ser att det hotsyncas,men jag hittar ingen frodo-icon att start ens.


      Inte ert fel antar jag.
      Er vill man ju bara hylla.
      Jvligt grymt att ni gr en sn hr grej.
      Hoppas man kommer kunna spela snart!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        hur fr jag bort det hr d`
        Den filen r ju nd p 1,5 mb.
        m jag inte kan anvnda den vill jag ju ta bort den, men hittar den inte ens...

        Synd att Handspring snlade p upplsningen nr de i vrigt gjort en sn grym maskin.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sniff :(
      I was sooooo looking forward to playing all my old faourite games on my treo 600. Too bad screen resolution is so bad on the unit. I heard that the reason for it is that the telephone and a higher resoulutkion screen woud drain the battery too quick.


      • Johan Forsberg

        Johan Forsberg - 2004-04-02

        Have faith.

        160x160 "support" (aka disabling direct drawing and trusting in PalmOS to downscale the 320x320 bitmap for me) was already done when I took my hiatus. I'll try to bring the current version into a somewhat presentable state this weekend.

        Mostly I have to beat a perplexing coordinate bug with the new (ultra cool) on screen keyboard.

    • Nobody/Anonymous did you do it ?
      ...can i use frodo on my treo600 ?


      ...BTW i can't access JAVA for XP download on the provided DL link in FRODO HOMEPAGE; the SUN site give only an APPLE DL link; no XP...

      any thoughts ?
      do i NEED this or can i bypass it and run things on the treo600 directly ?

      THANK YOU !!!
      ...would love to see the nice blue c-64 screen on my treo600...


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've been waiting for a Palm OS emulator for C64 for a year or more. I used to do tech support for Treo and Visor units and have been waiting for this forever... only to find I'm held back because of the Treo 600 resolution. Darn. Well, I'm waiting a bit more I guess and crossing my fingers. My thanks to the programmer for making this effort.

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2004-05-30

      Any progress to a Treo600 compatible version of Frodo?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Still waiting for the treo 600 version., seems that we (treo 600 users) are the ugly duck on palm compatibility. Hope you can make the emulator work on treo 600.

      Thanks for your time.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      any word on treo 600 compatibility?

      Can't thank you enough for your effort!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      plz, plz, plz... us poor treo600 users; don't let the apple swing in front of our mouths without teeths to bite it...


      • Johan Forsberg

        Johan Forsberg - 2004-11-10

        Help yourself. You have the source. PRC-tools+gcc+Linux is probably the best environment. You need to change about 10 lines of code. Basically, you need to remove my prohibition of <320 modes, and set the emulator to buffered rendering.

        As is probably obvious by now, I'm out of time/steam/will to continue this project. I DO keep reading every month or so.

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2004-12-06

      Hi, I did some modifications to PalmOSGUI.c that should completely disable resolution check and that should force 256_BUFFERED screen mode.

      The problem comes when I try to compile it, I need pa1lib.h and I can't find it. It is available to registered members on sony website, but registrations are closed.

      Do you know a place where I can get that file?


    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2004-12-06

      Good news!
      I found Pa1lib.h compiled Frodo, synced to my treo600 and launched it...
      ... it works! :) at least it doesn't crash. Now I'm going to look for some d64 file to test it...

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2004-12-06

      Well, I don't know how it should appear on an high res device, but my new compiled frodo only shows a white screen with a keyboard and a joystick in the bottom of the screen and a 9% (hope it is not the emulation speed).

      If I select a game in File manager (I tryed with Bubble Bobble) it does nothing... if I try to tap on the keyboard or joystick it does nothing....

      I'm afraid that something is not working correctly...

      Here I put the prc and the modified PalmOSGUI.c

      Some help?

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2004-12-06

      Thanks to Johan Forsberg I succesfully compiled a LowRes version of Frodo.

      You can download it here (prc+modified file):

      It is a bit slow, but we had to expect it...
      It is a bit hard to use the small onscreen keyboard, so I suggest you to use the large one. anyhow treo keyboard works fine but misses some keys.
      You can configure 5-way navigation to act as joystick!!!

      Have fun.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks, Frankk!!!!!  :-D

      It works great on a Zire31.. not too slow at all... especially if you turn on turbo mode.


      Even large keyboard doesn't show any letters/characters

      Can't map the joystick to any keys, much less the 5-way navigator.

      Other than that... works pretty well.. sound is a little choppy... wonder if there is an easy way to turn it off and save some speed.

      I'm a programmer, too. In fact, I was about to work on this myself until I saw your post!  :-D  I'd like to work with you on these and any other issues that may occur with low-res frodo.  Did you use the current Palm developer suite to compile?  If not, what did you use?

      Let me know, and thanks again!!! :-D


      • Francesco

        Francesco - 2004-12-12

        Hello Mike. I have done some tests to incease speed, but with not much luck. If u send me an email I will forward you some more info.
        (i got ur previous email but i cannot read it now). bye Frankk

    • lord_mike

      lord_mike - 2004-12-16

      Hi Frankk!

      Thank you for your reply.  Right now, I can't even get the thing to compile as is.  I am using the Palm Developer Suite under windows with the Palm OS 5 libraries.  I had to modify the makefile to use gcc.  Could you tell me what platform you are using and how you compiled the Prodo.prc binary?



      • Francesco

        Francesco - 2004-12-16

        Forget Palm Developer Suite and get cygwin, prc-tools, prc-tools-arm and palmos-sdk. Install cygwin, launch it then within cygwin install prc-tools and prc-tools-arm in your / folder then install palmos-sdk in /palmdev folder.
        Then run palmdev-prep and you are ready to compile.

        Now go in your Frodo/Src folder and run make -f Makefile.PalmOS

        In the same folder you will have your new Frodo.prc


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The link to the zip file seems to be broken.

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2005-05-15

      Sorry, my connection is down at the moment and the HD of my webserver died...

      I will try to put it back online as soon as possible.

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