
Release candidate 1

  • TomB

    TomB - 2007-03-22


    after getting my Treo650, I was able to fix two old bugs and I think, the current version is no longer a beta. So here is the first release candidate.
    Whats new since beta 6a:
    - Added Load/Run button to file manager dialog to load and start first program on selected disk
    - Preferences not longer stored as resources, now using the PalmOS PrefSetAppPreferences/PrefGetAppPreferences procedures.
       With this change, preferences survive on devices like TX and TE2.
    - 5 user defined commands to send to C64 assigned to shortcuts 1-5 (predefined with Directory, Load/Run and Softreset)
    - Better handling of loading old snapshots without attached disk
    - Fixed color display in "Buffered 256" mode on newer devices (i.e. Treo 650)
    - @ from Treo keyboard displays correct character on C64 display
    - Mapped Euro-key from German Treo keyboard to $

    Hope you enjoy this release.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you!! I am very happy that the project is still alive. The Load/Run button is very handy. It still won't run many games, such as Bruce Lee, Rescue on Fractalus, Winter Games-at least the d64s I got. Nevertheless, thank you for this great Palm app!

      • TomB

        TomB - 2007-03-26

        I have a first running version of FrodoSC (single cycle) with which, most of the games are running. But at this time, I have only 15% the original speed of the C64 on my Tungsten E (without sound). So games are working but not playable. I hope to find some ways to improve the performance to get at least 50% and can play with 25 fps.


    • blagger

      blagger - 2007-04-23

      I want to say "thank you" for keeping this project alive. I love to play old c64-games on my Palm LifeDrive while going by train.
      I specially like the user defined commands. :)

      Best regards,



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