
State indication

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Is there a way to see in which state emulation mode and 1541 mode are? If not, I would ask for an indicator.
    Also, there is this huge key binding menu, but does it work with a Treo 680-keyboard? With my device, nothings happens if I press a keyboard key in the "Set key"-Dialog, only the home, email, calendar etc. keys work.
    But: With the new beta2, a lot of games work which did not previously-thank you very much and good work!

    • TomB

      TomB - 2007-07-02


      I have to think about the location for new indicators, because I don't like to redesign the keyborard layout.
      On my Treo650, I don't have to map the Treo keys. When I press 'A' on my Treo, I get an 'A' on the C64. The keyboard dialog can only map the standard Palm keys and 5-way-navigation keys.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      About indicators:
      Maybe you could just put them in the menu item itself by changing the name like "emul.mode:sc"  or something? Right now, the only indication I have is the percentage indicator.

      About the keys:
      You are right, sorry! When in Basic mode, pressing the key on the 680 shows the letter on the screen. I asked because a game needed a certain keyboard key, but did not work that way, so I tried to assign the key by using the key mapping dialog, which does not work with keys.

      Frodopalm just pleasently shortened a flight for me-I forgot everything while playing Goonies until they asked me to turn the device off-we were landing! :)
      Thanks for that!

      • TomB

        TomB - 2007-07-16

        I found a solution for the state indicators and I hope to release 4.2 Beta 3 this week (with new features and performance enhancements in single cycle emulation).



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