

  • David

    David - 2003-11-23

    First minor issue on the new forum, it there anyway to make the keyboard a little larger? And second, how about an option to disable the processor speed, and the joystick?

    Or just by removing the processor precentage and move the keyboard over? Just a thought? Thx!

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-23

      I've already added code to shrink the screen (by removing the top and bottom borders). The only real reason I didn't expand the keyboard is that I didn't have time to draw the larger keyboard images.

      Next version, probably

    • David

      David - 2003-11-23

      If you'd like I can re-make the keyboard, and use Contructor to make a new form? I'm much better with making user interfaces, then programming. ;-)

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-24

      Yes, David, *please do*.

      Without the borders the C=64 is 320x200 so you have a 320x120 area for the keyboard. The main problem is that the keyboard image is a single Form Bitmap ontop of all the buttons. Making individual bitmaps for every button is to much overhead since there are five different keycaps for every single button (=325 bitmaps!)

      So, what I would need from you is
      1) The basic form with border-less, caption-less (ie. invisible) buttons for the C=64 keys. Please use the same control ID's as in the old form.
      2) Five overlay key-cap bitmaps that will work on top of those buttons.
        2.1) Normal mode
        2.2) Shifted mode
        2.3) "Commodored" mode
        2.4) Lower case mode
        2.5) Lower case shifted mode

      Check out the original keyboard bitmaps, they're in the prc (of course).

      Once I have that, I'll make three GUI modes: Large, Small and No keyboard.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Will do! Once I get this GCC compiler down I will even try the real thing. If not I will mail you the Constructor Resource files.  BTW: I know an easy why to enlarge the keyboard. (If think)! ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      you're enlarging the key board!!! YAY i can program decently now!!! ^_^ love you all!!! (it better damn work though...)


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