
An available Frodo.prc without AutoPowerOff

  • Robert O'Connor

    Robert O'Connor - 2003-12-07

    Firstly, Frodo for Palm is an outstanding programming bit of wizardry. Extremely well done!

    Nothing more retro than making some BASIC programs and running them. Where many of us came from.

    Anyways, sometimes when I am admiring my little BASIC programs running, the autopoweroff will kick in.

    There is a patch to stop autooff while using Frodo, then go back to usual autopower off behaviour, when you exit Frodo.

    There is a diff and a downloadable palm .prc program with the feature in the "Patches" section. Use without warranty as usual.

    Keep up the outstanding work!

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-09

      Thanks, I'll incorporate that into the next release which will be available any minute now (tomorrow? day after?) .


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