
sound on the T2 is crumbly

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    whatever which frequency or screen mode, the audio sounds allways crumbly on my Tungsten T2.
    Please, please, are there any enhancements planned in this case?

    otherwise, awesome work Johan!

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-25

      Crumbly? What's that supposed to mean?

      On my T1 the sound is tinny, but with the headphones on it's indistinguishable from a real C=64. Except for filters which aren't emulated yet. And that every 20s or so there's a small click because of a buffer underrun.

      Oh, and about the '%' meter: It displays screen update frequency as you surmised, but the CPU and sound are always prioritized above graphics. As long as the '%' is larger than 10, main emulation speed and sound should both be 100% perfect, authentic C=64.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-12-01

      I experienced crumbly sounds on a Zire 71 too but not in all games. For example in Dragon Ninja In this game I had to disable the sprite collisions, otherwise the fighters (sprites) doesn't appear. but in any case, the sound is scrumbly.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Running Time Tunnel on the T2, I too experience what may be described as a "crumbly sound."  It is constant popping and buzzing noise that occurs when the music in the background is playing.

      I have experimented with all of the settings under Graphics and Sounds and nothing seems to help.  I have also used the headphone jack, just to make sure it wasn't the internal speaker.

      I have noticed the same problem with the following games:

      Donkey Kong
      Moon Patrol
      (and most others for that matter)

      Still, very playable and it makes the Commodore geek in me very happy!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ammendment to previous message:

      After reading the Zodiac thread:

      I found that if I turned off turbo, the sound improved, but performance got really jerky and there were still popping noises, though just not as many


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