Anonymous - 2003-12-18

I'll update this as I try new disc images. Of course, some bugs may be due to cracks, but there seem to be some issues generally with collision detection.

Also, it seems to be best to emulate one joystick at a time, as I think that was causing problems in a couple of games, returning to a menu when a direction or the button was pressed.

Space Taxi: problems with collision detection, if it's on you die immediately; if it's off you can't land; if you turn it off, then on you can fly around but never land safely.

Shamus: Collision detection? Randomly "you are hit" when you're walking and you die.

Saucer Attack: Impossible to hit saucers (collision?)

Realm of Impossibility: bottom line of display is garbage

Raid on Bungeling Bay: works

Raid over Moscow: It does not appear to be possible to get out of the space hangar. collision?

Qbert: works.

Pole Position: works


Karateka: works

Battle Through Time: Causes a reset on load. may be disk.

Exploding Fist: works

Beach Head: My copy doesn't load, but it may be the crack