
More then one disk for Games

  • David

    David - 2003-11-23

    When you have more then one D64 file, like for Test Drive II, how did you load the 3 disks?

    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-23

      I've tried 3 different versions of Test drive and Test Drive 2 but none of them were successfully loaded.
      The intro comes up but goes no further.
      One of them had a warning about emulators saying:
      "this would not work on your emulator as it had a fast loader."

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-24

      Short answer to original question:
      When the game prompts you to change the disk, call up File Manager and change it! Actually, Frodo supports 4 simultaneous disk drives (so you wouldn't have to change disks at all), but I haven't really exposed that functionality because a) it's untested b) <1% of games are multidisk.

      Unfortunately, Test Drive still won't work as ilkera pointed out, read on...

      Long explanation:

      .d64 support is rather flaky, although I ironed out most of the bugs for the public beta. The big remaing problem is that the original 1541 disk drive had it's own CPU, RAM and ROM. Some games reprogrammed the diskdrive for speed-loading and copy-protection.

      Frodo *has* support for deep CPU-level 1541 emulation, but that is totally untested, so I disabled it for the public beta. It also uses up *a lot* of performance, and is horribly hard to debug. 1541 emulation will be debugged and re-added *eventually*, but there's so many little things that have a higher priority.


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