
Version 4.2 Beta1 performance

  • TomB

    TomB - 2007-05-09

    Can somebody please post the performance on a 400 Mhz device with following settings:
    - single cycle emulation on
    - 50 frames
    - turbo on
    - sound: mute
    - 1541 emulation off

    T. Borris

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      I have tested the new release on my TX (congrats and thanks !!) and my feed-back is the following:

      1) I tried GEOS, seems to work fine, except that I got one "illegal opcode" at some point, which causes the TX to crash...

      2) Performance is as you say, around 60% (not sure on how to turn the sound off ?). I overclocked Palmfrodo with Warpspeed and managed to get 100% performance with 512Mhz overclooking. Commando works fine, even way too fast with 'turbo' option and overclocking -(but sound still lagging).

      3) The new release does not like at all the "old" snapshots loaded sith the Single Cycle emulation on. It simply crashes the TX !

      4) When the TX crashes it seems that I am back to an old problem, i.e. some preferences are not saved (typically the emulation type, the Turbo option, etc).

      5) I still have the problems that PalmFrodo does not like to have thousands d64 files on the SD card. What is the limit ?

      6) Since like more serious programs now work, like GEOS, why not emulating REU and more floppy drives ? would be great :)

      Thanks and cheers,


      • TomB

        TomB - 2007-05-11

        Thanks for your feedback. Here are my comments to your post:

        1) Have to check why an illegal opcode crashed your palm (I thought removing calls to SysFatalAlert will prevent crashes). I have to search for GEOS, because currently I don't have it.

        2) Sound is off, when you move the slider to mute. I think, lagging of sound will always be a problem...

        3) In next release, when loading an old snapshot, single cycle emulation will be switched off.

        4) After a crash of the device, Frodo always uses default preferences. I have to check if I can restore the last used prefs.

        5) To allow more d64 files in SD card, I have to rewrite the code for handling the internal list. I don't know when I start this topic.

        6) Emulation of REU can easily added, so perhaps in next release. More floppy drives: I have to check how much work this is.

        Regards, Tom

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Tom,
      Thanks for your reply.
      I have been going on testing, and I fould that some old snapshots crash even if loaded in the good old normal emulation mode...
      Also, I don't understand why I got some illegal opcodes in GEOS ? aren't all opcodes emulated ?
      I tried to load GEOS with single cycle emulation, then to switch to normal emulation to increase speed; it semms to work, except that the disk is not recognized any more, even with full 1541 emulation. Any explanation ?
      Otherwise, fantastic work ! with at least 2 1541 drives + REU, GEOS becomes usable, which is quite an achievement on a Palm... :)
      I overclock the TX to 612 Mhz and got about 112% performance under GEOS - full sound. not bad, isn'it ;)

      Thanks and cheers,

      • TomB

        TomB - 2007-05-15

        I tested old snapshots with some games and I don't get the problem. Can you give an example, for which games this doesn't work?
        I don't recommend to overclock the cpu in such way. This may reduce the lifetime of your Palm, be careful.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Tom,

      I got this with Commando, but I actually suspect that it was because I did some clean up on my SD card and that it could not find the disk image which was changed to another file. After I loaded this file and regenerated the snapshot it works fine. Still, it should not crash if the file has disappeared :)

      Can you tell me wether some undocumented opcodes are not emulated, and why GEOS crashes ? It actually crash the C64 much more often than it crashes the TX itself.

      As for overclocking, well, I have been using Warpspeed for a long time with MyUAE (great Amiga emulator) and Caprice (great Amstrad CPC emulator). It crashes the TX from time to time, but nothing serious. Only once I tried to overclock to maximum settings and I thought the TX had tied (would not even react to a hard reset). However after the battery drains completely, everything was back to normal. I am now limiting it to 612 Mhz, which my TX can handle. Any bad experience with warpspeed ?

      Thanks and cheers,



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