
Treo 600 support

  • ilker Aktuna

    ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-25

    I've tried Frodo on Treo 600 and it gives a reset. (soft reset)
    Is it not supported on Treo 600 or do I have a problem ?
    Btw, Treo 600 has PalmOS 5.2.1 on it.

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-25

      Soft reset? When? At once? Every time?

      I aim to support any 5.0+ device, but I haven't added much device specific code yet (just the 16-color screen mode detection).

    • James Good

      James Good - 2003-11-25

      Johans, not sure if you know this, but the Treo 600 is a 160x160 device... I suspect you don't, and won't, support that.


    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-25


      Soft reset happens everytime I try to start Frodo on Treo 600.
      What may be the problem ?

    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-28

      so whatabout this problem ?
      will you be creating a workaround for Treo 600 ?

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-28

      Well, it can be done. If I just default to "compatible" screen mode on the Treo 600, it should work. Slowly.

      Even then I'd have to change quite a bit of code since I never expected a 160 device would have a ARM processor.

      Hmmmm... Change a few alerts to warnings maybe. "Are you absolutely sure your device can handle this?"


    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-29

      well then, when ?
      I wouldn't disturb you by asking this, but I just wonder how the C64 looks like on a Treo 600.

      But, of course, for memore important is sound support on Sony Clie Nx devices.
      that would be wonderful.

      As to the original problem (Frodo resetting May this be related with an alert message ?
      I thought it were something more complex...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Just want to echo another Treo 600 user who has the same problem with soft resets every time. So it's not just the previous poster or posters. Thanks for working on this. I would LOVE to run my c64 programs on my Treo!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The Commodore 64 screen resolution was 320 x 200
      Should be a tad hard to use on a 160 x 160 device. The image would be squashed or you would miss every 2nd pixel...

    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-11-29


      I hope that could be worked around...
      Please do not say negative and break our hearts...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It's a PHYSICAL thing. Sure, you can work around it by cutting every 2nd pixel, but the graphics are going to suffer.

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Another treo 600 user here who applauds your work Johan (it's bloody fantastic) and would love to run it on their treo 600!



    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-01

      Treo 600 support (or rather 160x160 support) WILL be in the next version. It won't be pretty. It won't be fast. But it will be there.

    • ilker Aktuna

      ilker Aktuna - 2003-12-01

      that will be great (I know it won't be pretty)
      I hope Sony Clie sound support is also in your plan...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Most games on the C64 run in multicolor mode(160x200) rather than hires(320x200).  If Palm Frodo had a "fullscreen" mode (no visible keyboard/joystick, etc), then many games would still look OK.  You'd only have to "throw away" every 5th vertical pixel.  The picture would look rather stretched because of the T600s square screen however...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Here is another supporter for the Treo 600. Thanks for your help!!



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