
Frodo on Tungsten E ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    im going to buy a Tungsten E. Does anyone knows something about the performance ?

    Thank you

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm using Frodo on a Tungsten E, it works pretty well.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you - nice to read this.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      For me it is not like that. I have the same problem that you can read about in an other thread ("Device not present error"). :(

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Really? It works great on my T|E. I can try to help you out. Are the games on the SD card or main memory? Are you loading .t64 files? Also are you using a Mac or PC?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      TODAY - now i have my tungsten e ... and it works very well. im so happe to play GOONIES wherever i want !


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