
Newer Version...

  • David

    David - 2004-03-22

    Just so all of you know I was working with John as much as I could on this project. I was e-mailing him daliy, and I was working on new GUI and keyboard options. I have a newer code that was e-mailed to me on Dec 4, 2003. This fixed some minor issues like the D64, and something else that I can't find my notes on. The source code I will upload to my web site, I hope John see this and works on the project, gave up after the e-mails stopped. :-(
    And I still have some great GUI ideas for this app.
    Also PLEASE anyone with programming skills let try and soup this application up a little!

    David Dempster.

    • David

      David - 2004-03-22
    • David

      David - 2004-03-22

      As soon as John comes back on this project then I will kill my site.


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