

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    1) On my zire 71 (German Version) initial screen (direct 16 omap) is mangeled up. Every other drawing method is OK.
    2) Please add the posibility to use the normal Palm Keyboard, the C64 keyboard is very hard to use.
    3) Thank you very much for this excellent work!



    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-01

      1) Screen mode detection will (hopefully) be 100% accurate next release.
      2) The Palm Keyboard already works? Doesn't it?
      3) Thank you!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > 2) The Palm Keyboard already works? Doesn't it?

      With Palm Keyboard i mean the one which appears if i klick on the ABC field, on my Zire 71 i hear only a beep when doing this in FRODO.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      > 2) The Palm Keyboard already works? Doesn't it?

      The keyboard which i normally get when i klick on the "ABC" field, does not appear in FRODO, i only get a beep.



    • Nobody/Anonymous

      OOPS, one time should have been enough, i thought the first reply didnt work :)


    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-04

      I have no plans right now on supporting the Palm on-screen keyboard. Next version will have a much larger emulator keyboard, however (optionally, by removing the top and bottom borders).

      Johan Forsberg


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