
What games do you think run well on PalmFrodo

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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Open question to the PalmFrodo community. It seems to me that some games translate well to the small screen and the Palm's interface and others don't. What games do you think maintain their original appeal when shrunk down onto the Palm platform? What games are you having trouble getting going? I'd recommend stating your Palm of choice with the games as well, because some Palm's have more buttons than others and such...

    I have a Tungsten C, so interactive fiction titles play really well with that little keyboard. Anything Infocom, for example. MULE seems to play really well... nice, simple controls. I find Archon difficult to control, personally. Pinball Construction Set works well, but navigating that little hand and trying to build a table with the Palm's buttons or the onscreen joypen is tricky and time consuming. Temple of Apshai Trilogy seems to be giving me control problems... cannot move up and down, but that might be because I don't understand it's interface yet.  The Last Ninja is difficult to play properly, but Ms. Pac Man seems pretty playable, if a little touchy on the controls.

    Still testing stuff from my library, but I'm curious to know other people's results!

    Christopher Drum

    • Nobody/Anonymous


      hands down the best 8 bit title to translate to the Palm interface.

      Awesome. Just awesome.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      M*U*L*E* seconded. For repeat playability, still the best game in 20 years. Doom gathers dust, M*U*L*E* still lives on.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Artworx Strip Poker-- the nekkid women look realistic again on that tiny screen. :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Great Giana Sisters

    • Nobody/Anonymous


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Rampage :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Laser Squad works pretty well :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I tried these games and they work:

      Annals of Rome

      Typhoon of Steel

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      These games work:

      Reach for the Stars

      Computer Diplomacy

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Are there any other games that run well on PalmFrodo?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any other games work well?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Airborne Ranger works!!! Loved that game!!!!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      GOONIES :-) works very well !

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Skyfox works :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I agree Goonies run very well on Palm Frodo... :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Leaderboard golf is great

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Gauntlet works well ! :-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      ACE 2
      Steel Thunder
      One Man And His Droid
      Test Drive 1 (a little bit slow on T/E...)
      Spy Hunter
      Impossible Mission
      Summer Games
      Winter Games
      California Games

      I had some Problems loading Games which use copy protection, like Test Drive 2 or Oil Imperium.

      BTW: Has anybody a working version of Oil Imperium?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The Magic Candle works IF and ONLY IF you don't use fastloading. Wizard's Crown works too!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Little Computer People!!! It works and looks just like I remember it!!! Just a bit smaller... ;-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Blue Max works with beta 2 and 3 :-)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      So far Paradroids, M.U.L.E. , Boulderdash, and all sorts of arcade style games like ms pacman, joust, centipede and the like work flawlessly.

      None of the ultima games are working due to crashes at any point that would save a game, but they load and run just fine simply *begging* for a solution to be found for the write protection of .d64 files issue.

    • Zebulin

      Zebulin - 2005-07-14

      Actually Ultima I at least can be made to work except for in game saving, but you can use save game state to achieve the same functionality.  Just don't use the 'q' command as it will crash the game.  There's also a minor bug that kicks in after loading a game state which will cause the game to hang when you enter a town but this is prevented when you first load your saved game state by immediately loading another d64 image and then reloading the ultima1 .d64 image.  No other bugs so far, the game seems completely functional.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      One on One - Dr. J and Larry Bird

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