
Paradroid on Frodo

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Wow!  Paradroid works just as well on your palm c64 emu(tungsten c) as it does on the PC!!

    One question, though: On all Frodo emus(Windows, XBOX, Palm), Paradroid's collision detection seems off.  Bullets usually pass right through enemy robots(sometimes they hit, though).  I don't have my old c64 to compare, but I'm pretty sure something strange is happening.  Any ideas?

    Also, on Paradroid, once gameplay starts, the sound has a white noise background.  That might happen on other Frodo's and is less noticable because of the tone control on speakers.

    Thanks for this awesome port!

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-25

      There are several games with whacko collision detection. Apparently it's a bug I inherited from Frodo. Worst yet: Cauldron II.

      I noticed the noise in Paradroid, very strange. No other game seems to have that problem? Hmm... Paradroid uses a white-noise + bleeps sound before entering a level. Probably one channel isn't being set to 0 volume when it should?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      FYI, I tested Paradroid on WinVice last night and it gets the collision right.  I'm not sure what the differences are between the collision handling code in WinVice and Frodo.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Apparently it was the d64 image I was using.  There is one out there that starts with the letters "NOHACK" that works beautifully on PalmFrodo.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My post didn't seem to work: Here goes again:

      Collision detection works right in PalmFrodo when using the paradroid d64 image that starts with the letters "nohack".

      The white noise is still there, though.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      "Eindeloos" and "River Raid" also have problems with collision detection. In Eindeloos, sometimes things fly right through obstacles, and at other times you die without being hit by anything. In River Raid, you die the instant you start moving (but you can get past that by turning collision detection off briefly -- not very practical).

      Great effort so far, though. It looks beautiful on my Tungsten E. All it needs is a bit more speed (ARM-native code perhaps?).

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      If you need a bit more speed on your Tungsten E just download Lightspeed from . Frodo runs blazingly fast on my T|E at 100 % for all games with a Lightspeed setting of 180 Mhz. Great programs both!


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