
Performance enhancements

  • TomB

    TomB - 2005-03-14

    I'm working on a new version of Frodo for PalmOS and I found some ways to get better performance on my Tungsten E. Now I need some people for testing on other devices and with more games (caution: 256 color-mode required, 16 colors not supported in my version).
    I also want to now, which games not working with the current version, so I can try to fix this.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Any games using write access to the "disk drive" (c1541 / c1571 / etc) fail because Frodo for PalmOS does not emulate the drive logic correctly (if at all).
      This brings down several of my favorites from yesteryear, like all the Bard's Tale games, Phantasie series, and the excellent "construction sets" that EA put out in their infancy (Racing Destruction Set is awesome).

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Let me know if you need testing done on the Treo 650. I'd love to help.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Does your version fix this nasty bug which prevents Frodo from loading any .D64 and .T64 Files directly from card on Tungsten E devices?

      Where can we get your improved version for testing?

      • TomB

        TomB - 2005-03-15

        I'm in contact with Johan Forsberg and I'm trying to get a member of the developer team for Frodo. After that, I upload the new version of Frodo to SourceForge. Currently, I haven't any web-space available to offer a download from somewhere else.

        I think you would like to use .d64 files without converting them to .pdb with pippin. I'll put this on my list.

    • Francesco

      Francesco - 2005-03-18

      Please consider to add compatibility mode for low res devices, see here:


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      hallo tborris,
      great to hear that someone goes on with the project. i own a tungsten t3 and would be happy to test your version of frodo.
      plz lets get in touch via mail:


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