
goes to sleep during play

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi! great emu! runs great except for one thing.

    I am playing M.U.L.E. on the FRODO and use the hard keys as a joystick on my T3.  When the 1 minute sleep setting is reached - the T3 turns off.  I can turn it on and it comes right back just fine - or I can squiggle circles on screen every < 60sec and it will work too. But if 60sec go by with no "on screen" input - zzzzzzzzzzz

    Help! or can the next version of FRODO fix this? it would be nice to not have to worry about.

    Also a nit - could you make the keyboard a tad bigger and easier to see? This 40 year old's eyes make it hard to see the onscreen keys sometimes. <grin>


    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-12-01

      <reverse order>

      Three keyboard modes will be available. None, small, large (lose the top/bottom borders).

      Great that you got M.U.L.E. to run (best game ever), even I haven't managed that yet!

      Previously, you say that hard-key-only input will cause the device to sleep after (user-configured-interval)? That doesn't happen on my device, sorry. I'm not sure how to parry that either. Is there even a system call to report "activity" and reset the "off" counter? Inject nonsense events now and then, maybe?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My T3 also goes asleep during gameplay using hard-keys only. It seems that it helps if I press the select button (the one in the center of the 5 way nav) once in a while. In contrary to other buttons I have not assigned a use in Frodo a quick tap of the select button does not activate any other application, but if I press it a little too long Frodo exits (like all normal applications should).

      Maybe the extra screen space of a hidden virtual Graffiti would allow for a decent size keyboard on T3s and various Sony models?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Johan!

      Great program! I didn't do anything special to get M.U.L.E. to work on the emu. Just converted the .d64 and it runs fine - except - for going to sleep when I'm using the hard keys.

      I have the T3 5 way setup to be up/down/left/right and the center button is 'fire' and after the minute sleep setting is up - zzzzzz off to la la land.

      Thanks for a great emu.  It is nice to see a prog behave like a palm prog should and when it exits it saves state and then comes back to it automatically when reloaded - adds a whole new dimension to gameplay to play M.U.L.E. for a few minutes and then exit and later come back to right where you left off!

      Thanks Johan!

      Dwayne Wilson

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >Is there even a system call to report "activity" >and reset the "off" counter? Inject nonsense >events now and then, maybe?


      You can call SysSetAutoOffTime (0) at startup. Then the device will never autooff. ( Remember to reset value at exit ).

      Letting SysHandleEvent handle a system event (periodically) should reset the autooff counter too.

      Jonatan Fernstad

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      >Is there even a system call to report "activity" >and reset the "off" counter? Inject nonsense >events now and then, maybe?

      Letting SysHandleEvent handle a system event periodically, will reset the counter.

      You can also call SysSetAutoOffTime(0) at startup and it will never auto off. ( Remember to reset value at exit ).

      Jonatan Fernstad

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      My Zodiac also shuts off using hard buttons as well.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I recommend the SysSetAutoOffTime(0) approach. There is a .diff and a downloadable .prc in the "Patches" link at the top of this webpage.


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