
Still progress?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Does anyone know if there is still someone working on the project?
    I dont see any : (
    I own a Tungsten T3 and cant wait for a new release with better sound/landscape/compatibility
    They did a great job, but are they anymore?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Also hoping that this project is still alive. Its one of the best tools for the Palm OS and it already works fine. Only major complaint I see is the prob with the unexpected quit when you use the Zire 71 stick which makes most games unplayable. You could contact Johan via palmfrodo at . Tell him that you like his tool. If enough users contact him and tell him how awful they find his tool, perhaps he takes a look into this forum and Palmfrodo again ?

      • Johan Forsberg

        Johan Forsberg - 2004-07-15

        The project is in a zombie status, ie it's dead, yet still moves somewhat. I would love for someone to take over the project, but apparently I'm the only person in the world that

        1) Uses a Palm
        2) Loves C=64
        3) Can program

        This project consumed all of my free time, and much of my work time for six months. It's NOT simple to port applications to PalmOS<=5.

        After this (Herculean) effort, Frodo mostly worked. Meanwhile, I got a job that required me to actually do something rather than just stare at a screen (and use SSH to develop Frodo).

        So, no time, no motivation. Sorry.

        BTW, thanks to all the people who donated money to the project. Over the last 6 months, I amassed the small fortune of $7. (8-)

        Unfortunately, due to the utter bovine-droppings that is PayPal, I haven't even been able to claim the money.

        Johan Forsberg

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Didnt even knew that donation were possible. Would be kewl if you could fix just the last few remaining bugs. Increasing compatibility is surely too much afford, but pls fix the Zire 71 stick bug. Donation wouldnt be any prob for me (already bought Atari Retro and thinking bout XCade), but I mistrust PayPal too (would be useless to transfer money there if you dont even get it).

      And some nice addition (nothing more and nothing less) would be that Graffiti could be used for two stroke characters too and that T64 isnt only supported at the documention but not by the tool itself (i dont know if this is just a small bug or the T64 support is completely missing).

      Bout development :

      Im just familiar with Visual Studio, C++ and the Win32 APIs, MFC classes or ATL interfaces. So the 3 points are there, but I dont have any knowledge bout the POS 5 libs.

      BTW Bout support : Aaron Ardiri (Atari retro, etc. - ) and Jeff Mitchel (XCade, etc. - ) doin a lot emulation stuff too. Perhaps they could help you ?

      Really like to see this development not cancelled. Its IMHO one of the best tool ever done for the Palm (the C64 were the computer most of us started with - so even the graphically enhanced GBC or Atari ST emulators are IMHO not as amazing as this development). You already done a great job. Perhaps you could continue to spend a little time on further development ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Johan,

      thx for the good work on this great project. I enjoyed many hours playing those goodies. I would like to see someone who fullfills the 3 points you mentioned and who has the time to take over it.

      Im a webmaster of a german website with News about palms. Do you think it's ok to write a short news for finding someone who uses a palm, loves c64 and can program? :)

      If you agree, maybe other News-Sites will do.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Post it to and
      Both have news pages and are monitored by hundreds of developers.


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