David Filskov - 2006-06-19

I use Frodo every night to turn off my keyboard light. It's very simple:
I start up Frodo
- press the red phone power button (off)
- then press it again (device turns on)
- then the unlock key

Now I can start my text viewer application and read without the keyboard shining too bright or taking up unnecessary battery.

This made me think of three suggestions:

1) Please fix this bug that makes the keyboard light not turn on after device has been turned off.

2) Please make it a menu-option to turn off the keyboard light (and remember its state).

3) Please take that part of the code that causes this turning off of the lights and create a new source forge project just for this purpose - a small program that is able to simply turn the keyboard light on and off easily (right now Treo programs with this functionality costs money).

-- David