
Not a bad start :)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The only problems I have are:

    1. If I use hardkeys (5way tungsten not supported) the program will from time to time exit to Datebook, etc.
    2. If I use the mini joystick, the music and other get hiccuppy and don't work well.
    3. I've had a couple of errors and got the Palm Reset button appear.
    4. I don't know if it's the "Monty on the Run" I downloaded, but I just got Fatal Alert "Illegal opcode 0x0052 at 0xff39" two times. Only it doesn't reset the Palm, just Frodo, but leaves the reset button at the bottom where the C=64 keyboard should be.
    Commando seems to be pretty good. Monty Mole seemed okay tho I didn't play it a lot yet. I have to find a good Monty on the Run as it's one of my faves!
    Keep up the good work!

    • Johan Forsberg

      Johan Forsberg - 2003-11-25

      1) Working on 5-way, considering adding hard key bindings to "Nothing" (ie. disable the key).

      2) Oh? Does the performance meter go way down? What was it to begin with? What screen mode? What device? What game? Where in the game?

      3) Yeah, sorry. The beta isn't 100% there yet (that's why we call it a beta)

      4) The "Illegal opcode" isn't really "fatal". It's a Frodo error indicating that the C=64 program has performed an illegal instruction which would have hung a real C=64.

      Sorry about the keyboard, that happens when I display a SysFatalRequest (I'll get rid of them soon). Try to tap left shift/commodore (even if you can't see them).

      4.5) Monty on the Run works great for me, tho I'm not as good at it as I used to be. I could complete the game almosts 100% of the tries.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I think I just had to get a better version of Monty. It seems better now.
      MotR is the one that had hiccuppy music. I use T|T and it seems using the onscreen joystick causes the game to stutter. Perhaps the T|T is just too slow to respond.
      Looking forward to the 5way implementation :) altho the T|T keys layout isn't really that good for playing games like this. I think it'd be bearable though.
      I was surprised that Impossible Mission's speech even worked!
      I was going to play some games on the way to work this morning. Unfortunately, I saw a file "Frodo" on the Palmcard (VFS not working for me) and deleted it, since it was 2mb and I thought it had occurred when Frodo crashed (sometimes crashed games aren't cleaned up out of onboard memory) only to discover it was the games file. I didn't realise that all my pdb's were rolled into one Frodo file :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      PS: I've noticed that when you pop up forms like joystick mapping etc, the little joystick bmp sometimes disappears or half gets wiped out. It's still there and if you put drag around on it, it redraws the joystick complete.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      The tungsten c keyboard does not seem to work.  Is that something that will be fixed?

      Also, I'd like to add another vote for bigger keys in the on screen keyboard.


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