
does a clie gamepad works ? (GC10)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Great emulator...I used frodo on my gp32 but in this version you can actually save to d64 files from within frodo (great for savegames)

    Anyway... Does anybody knows if a clie gamepad cg10 works with this emulator?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Yes, it works. But when you press upper directionnal button it triggers teh fire button at the same time on a Cli TG50.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        My GC10 works, but it also sends the command to launch whatever hard key app is being pressed (eg. Calendar, To Do...) so I reassigned all hard keys in Prefs->Buttons to point at Frodo. This resolves this problem (as long as you don't use the hard keys normally.)


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